and so she rocks Him gently, she knows she’s been a part
of something more she can ever ponder in her heart.
The past has been confusing, but the future’s looking bright…
‘cause Mary holds the Light in arms tonight.
From Mary holds the Light by Clay Crosse
I begin with the warmest of wishes for a Blessed Christmas for each one of you, your families and all those you love. May the peace and hope of the newborn Christ rest and rise in your hearts and souls this happy day and throughout the year to come.
I am very grateful to the incredible group of people in both parishes who give of themselves every day so selflessly- top-notch staffs, Councils, volunteers and so many people who very quietly, heroically, and lovingly do the work of the Church. I thank those who give so generously their time, talent, and treasure throughout this year of often tumultuous change.
We are blessed in so many ways.
The light that drew the shepherds and Magi is within us, now- it’s our vocation- each of us- to share it with the world- may that light reflect and attract others- not just by its brightness, but by its warmth. Encourage someone you love to join you at Mass. We’re called to be light to others- and the light is Christ. Let it shine. Merry Christmas!
This is an important step in our parishes’ collaboration, the development of a combined bulletin. I am very grateful to Dianne Ludy and Joan Rae for their cooperation in bring it together. As we begin this venture, we may have a lip up or two, and I encourage your input and response in putting together something we all turn to for information, inspiration, and enlightenment. May our Blessed Mother guide us through this period of transition to where He is calling us to be.
Thank you!