Thank You !
Thank you – to all of those who took time out of their busy holiday schedules, and/or used their talents and treasure to help out
with the Christmas activities of Saint Francis de Sales Parish and
Saint Mary – Saint Catherine of Siena Parish.
To those who helped clean and decorate
our Churches for Christmas…
To those who picked up the flowers
and delivered them to our church –
For the Advent Wreaths in our Churches and chapel –
For the wreaths that are on the front doors of our Churches –
To all of you who pulled a tag from the giving trees
and/or donated a gift to someone in need.
To those who so generously donated
to Harvest on Vine food pantry
To those who helped deliver the gifts –
To all the Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Lectors,
Musicians, Singers, and Ushers who assisted in our Liturgies –
To Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, and Santa –
To all who celebrated Christmas with us,
and those travelling who kept us in prayer.
Your generosity is a true reflection of Christ!