Saint Mary – Saint Catherine of Siena is an intentionally inclusive Roman Catholic Parish that welcomes all those who make up our diverse community in a way that reflects God’s love. Nourished by the Gospel and the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we build a vibrant Parish that strengthens our faith and elevates our worship. With gratitude for the gifts God has bestowed upon us, we respond to His call to stewardship and embrace lives of service and compassion.
To make active disciples of Jesus Christ by creating a welcoming community rich in spirituality and by moving people to embrace their God-given talents in the service of others and the care of creation.

Very Rev. John Sheridan, Pastor
Sr. Nancy Citro, SNDdeN, Pastoral Associate
Allison Buff, K-4 Education Director
Dianne Ludy, Administrative Assistant
Tom MacDonald, Director of Social Ministries
James Santosuosso, Finance & Operations Manager
John A. Volpe, Music Director
Timothy Leahy, Music Director, St. Francis de Sales