Charlestown Catholic Community News
Community News and Information
For Both Parishes
Mass Intentions—We are currently booking Mass Intentions for 2025. To book a Mass, please call the parish office at 617.242.4664.
Sanctuary Candles— To have a Sanctuary Candle lit in memory of a loved one, please contact the parish office. You may request one for St Francis des Sales, St Mary Church or the St Catherine of Siena Chapel.
Sacrament of Baptism—Baptisms are generally held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at St Mary Church. Baptisms at St Francis de Sales Church are scheduled with Fr. Sheridan. For all requests for Baptisms, please call the Parish Office to start the process. Classes are generally held on the 2nd Saturday at the Parish Office at noon. Parents and godparents should attend.
Confessions— For St. Francis de Sales Parish and St. Mary-St Catherine of Siena Parish. Confessions are held at 3:30 pm on Saturday’s before the 4 pm Mass.
Weddings— All couples; Please access the request for wedding form here. Fr. Sheridan will contact couples after the form is submitted. Always feel free to call the Parish office with any questions.
Daily Rosary— St. Catherine of Siena Chapel before the daily Mass. Weekdays, 7:35 am (Mass is at 8 am)
Saturday Rosary—If you would like to pray the rosary with us on Saturday mornings via Zoom -Please email Donna LeCam
If you are interested in becoming Catholic or have not yet received Confirmation, if you are homebound and would like to receive the Sacraments, interested in the choir, Religious Education, or becoming a volunteer in a ministry…
Contact us at the Parish office at 617.242.4664 or email us.
Grand Annual Update
We are humbled and deeply grateful for the generosity of many that have contributed to the Grand Annual Collection.
To date:
St Mary—St Catherine of Siena Parish has collected $42,993.00 towards a goal of $60,000 (72%).
St Francis de Sales Parish has collected $19,380 towards a goal of $25,000 (78%).
There is still time to give. If you have not had an opportunity to contribute, please help us reach our goal.
As always, thank you for your continued generosity.
St. Francis de Sales Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 15 – 4:00 pm + Rob Harty, Patti Harty, David Whelan
& James Ahearn
Sunday, February 16 – 9:30am + William Rae
Monday, February 17 – President’s Day – Office Closed
Mass at 9am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Tuesday, February 18
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Wednesday, February 19
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Thursday, February 20
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Friday, February 21
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Saturday February 22 at 4:00 pm + Rev. Daniel Mahoney
Sunday February 23 at 9:30 am m + Edward Elwell
St. Mary St. Catherine of Siena Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 15 at 9:00 am
Saturday, February 15 at 4:00pm + Kimberly Thibault
Sunday, February 16 at 8:00 am + Nora Costello & Mary Meisner
Sunday, February 16 at 11:00 am
Sunday, February 16 at 6:00 pm
Mass at St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Monday, February 17 – President’s Day – Office Closed
Mass at 9am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Tuesday, February 18
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Wednesday, February 19
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Thursday, February 20
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Friday, February 21
Mass at 8am in St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Saturday, February 22 at 9:00 am
Saturday, February 23 at 4:00pm + Joe Andrea
Sunday, February 24 at 8:00 am
Sunday, February 24 at 11:00 am + Mary & Patrick Ryan
Sunday, February 24 at 6:00pm
Mass at St. Catherine of Siena Chapel
Photos from recent Sacramental ceremonies at St. Francis de Sales
There were no Baptisms at St. Francis de Sales last week
Photos from recent Sacramental ceremonies at St. Mary. St. Catherine of Siena
There were no Baptisms at St. Mary – St. Catherine of Siena last week
Neither the snow, nor the cold temperatures, interfered with our Winter Walk Team from participating in the effort to end
homelessness. It was an inspiring event from beginning to end!
Recent Events at our Collaborative
Sunday, December 8th Beatrice Master Singers Christmas Concert
Wednesday, December 4 Advent Mission presentation: Joanne Grota Mercier on Hope
Join us at St. Francis Hall for family movies
and at 46 Winthrop for movies for grown-ups.
We’ll have pizza, popcorn and surprises!
All for free!
Coming Friday, February 28 at 7 pm
to 46 Winthrop…
Please note date change.
Originally scheduled for February 21st. Rescheduled to February 28th
The true story of an American priest in WWII Rome who saved over 6,500 Jews and prisoners of war.
Friday, January 10 at 46 Winthrop, 7:00pm
The acclaimed film, Romero, starring Raul Julia, is based on the life of Bishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador, a martyr who was recently proclaimed a saint.
Admission is free and refreshments will be served.
Please note that because of violent content, the film is rated PG-13.
Friday, January 17 at St. Francis, 5:30pm The LEGO Movie
Click image to other recommended family movies through the ages.
If you are planning a Wedding, Planning a Baptism, If you are interested in becoming
Catholic or have not yet received Confirmation, if you are homebound and would like to
receive the Sacraments, interested in the choir Religious Education, or becoming a volunteer in a ministry please see the relevant bullet below or
Contact us at the Parish office
at 617.242.4664 or email us
RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
is a program for Catholics who have not had the opportunity to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation; for Adults who are members of another religion or have never been baptized and want to know more about and perhaps become a member of the Catholic faith. For more information, call Fr. John at 617-242-4664
or email him at
Many have asked us how to contribute through online banking so that when they are not in the Parish, they can continue to make their offertory collection and second collection donations. This can be done easily by logging into your online banking account and entering St. Francis de Sales or St. Mary—St. Catherine as vendor/payee.
For St. Francis, please use 303 Bunker Hill Street for the address.
For St. Mary – St. Catherine, please use 46 Winthrop Street.
If you have any questions, please contact James Santosuosso at the Parish Office.
Thank you for your continued generosity.
Baptism Schedule
The Baptisms are held in the Churches typically on the 2nd Sunday
at St. Mary’s at 12:30 pm and
at 1:30 pm at St. Francis de Sales.
We ask Baptism families and their guests to arrive at the Church about 15 minutes before the official start time.
The Baptism Preparation Classes for parents and godparents are on the Saturday before the monthly baptisms. The Preparation Class time is 12:30 pm at the Parish Center, 46 Winthrop Street.
Please send your request to
Class – February 8
Baptisms – February 9
Class – March 8
Baptisms – March 9
The church has a patron saint for nearly every person, group of people, and occupation. These heavenly friends benefit us with their prayers of intercession speaking, as it were, to God on our behalf.If you ask nearly any Catholic whose intercession they seek when something has gone missing, nearly all will tell you it’s St. Anthony who is responsible for the recovery of cars keys and eyeglasses by the millions. But how did Anthony become the patron saint of lost articles?Legend has it that Anthony was the novice master at a friary in Montpellier, France. One of his charges was a somewhat discontented novice named Louis. When he wasn’t at prayer or teaching the novices he devoted his time to writing a book on the psalms – he had worked on it for years. One afternoon, the manuscript vanished, and Anthony searched carefully for it to no avail! Having no other recourse he prayed for its recovery.At the same time it seems that Br. Louis, the discontented novice, had disappeared as well and had been seen leaving with a somewhat manuscript sized parcel. Anthony, believing that Louis was much more valuable than his manuscript, prayed that Louis would find his true path in life.The legend says that the former Br. Louis, while on his way to sell the manuscript as his own was moved to return the book and turn his life around. So, Louis went back to the friary and returned the stolen manuscript. St. Anthony became his mentor and from that time forward Anthony’s prayers were sought whenever something was lost. It’s a tradition that continues today. For centuries when Catholics have lost something important, their car keys or their way in life, they’ve sought the prayers of St. Anthony.
An Invitation!
Are you looking for an opportunity to grow spiritually and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ? We invite you to join us for a Cursillo weekend to experience the love of Jesus Christ on a personal level and bring his love and joy into your daily life. Give yourself an extraordinary gift this year. Where: St. Basil’s Salvatorian Center, Methuen.
For more information, contact Nancy
St. Francis de Sales Building Fund
For All the deceased Priests and Sisters who have served Saint Francis De Sales Parish; For all the deceased members, benefactors and friends of the Parish; for all those enrolled in the Saint Francis de Sales Memorial Building Fund Society and for all the souls in purgatory, we pray to the Lord
The Light is on For You!
If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please come any Saturday between 3:15pm and 3:45pm to the church in either parish i.e. before the 4 pm Mass on Saturdays.
Be mindful of the poor among us by assisting the Saint Vincent de Paul Society by way of their collection boxes at the doors of the Church. The weekly offerings given to the Parish Conference of the Society are their main source of income in assisting the needy of the Parish.
It is always encouraging to see new faces at Mass. We warmly welcome all of you who are newcomers to Charlestown. We receive many requests for recommendations for individuals who are asked to be sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation. It is necessary, for us to know you in order for us to comply with these requests for letters of recommendations. It is important, too, that you are on the Parish Mailing List for Sacramental Records as an active practicing Catholic. We invite you to fill out the Registration Form.