Celebrate World Marriage Day

Marriage is a living sacrament. It is a sign to the world of the invisible God living in our midst―the living God who bears fruit in the lives of two people who have promised to live out their lives together in mutual support and love. At each of our Masses on the weekend of February 17/18, we will celebrate World Marriage Day.
Married couples will receive a special blessing and will be invited to restate their vows. We look forward to praying and celebrating with you!

Restatement of Vows

Couples (please face each other and repeat after the celebrant):

Husbands: I have taken you ________, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in the good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

Wives: I have taken you, ________, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in the good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

Maridos: Te he tomado ________, para ser mi esposa. Prometo serte fiel en los buenos y malos momentos, en la enfermedad y en la salud. Te amaré y te honraré todos los días de mi vida.

Esposas: Te he tomado, ________, para que seas mi esposo. Prometo serte fiel en los buenos y malos momentos, en la enfermedad y en la salud. Te amaré y te honraré todos los días de mi vida.