Fourth of July – Independence Day



In LAUDATO SÍ, Pope Francis writes about the importance of treating earth the way God intended – as stewards of the earth, caring for it as the God-given gift that it is.
Summer is here and there is likely to be a water shortage as has happened so often in the past! Therefore, the conservation of water becomes an even greater priority during this season. We ask you to look at this site,, It outlines 5 simple ways to conserve water. Think about committing to: using a car wash rather than washing your car on you own (50 gallons of water vs. 150); shortening your shower by 2 minutes saves 150 gallons of water/month; use the towel to dry yourself more than once before washing; and turn the tap to fill reusable water bottles. Collect rain water to water your plants/garden. You may have some ideas of your own. Let’s do our part in saving the planet.