From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

I love to watch movies when you have to wait and see what is going to happen – the suspense can drive you crazy sometimes, but it’s worth it, especially when things work out in a way you don’t expect. It’s very much like life.

In today’s Gospel, all seems lost at first, but suddenly, mysteriously, gloriously, miraculously has happened, and everyone is puzzled and overjoyed, and nothing is ever the same again.

Every day is an opportunity to experience God’s loving forgiveness and everlasting grace, often in ways we never expect. It’s up to us to share these truths to others to give that gift of faith we have received, so many people need that gift.

At the Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s, we welcome Kendal and Hannah into the loving arms of our Catholic Church – thanks so much to Sr. Nancy for her dedicated work – and may God bless them and give the grace to do His will every day!

May the joy and hope we receive at the empty grave – the wonder, the joy and the hope warm our hearts, our lives and inspire us to share the Good News with all we meet. Rejoice! He is Risen!

Change is in the Air. For some time, the extraordinary, multi-talented Katy Fleming has run the St. Mary- St. Catherine Faith Formation program, and as she steps back from this
important role to our thanks, we need someone who can help us administer, in collaboration with St Francis de Sales Parish, this invaluable ministry.

JOB OPENING: Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation
Are you willing and able to share your time and talent with our parish?
We are hiring!
The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation coordinates the Religious Education program for students in grades K-8, including Youth Group, along with Confirmation 1 and 2. The program Coordinator attends meetings with parish staff and meets and works regularly with the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, and the Parent Advisory Council to plan classes, Masses and Family Formation activities.

Please reach out to or
if you’re interested in applying!