From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

I am so very grateful to so many who gave so much in so many ways throughout Holy Week- particularly Sr. Nancy and our incredible staff- from the very public celebrations to the millions of quiet and powerful ways when great things took place- thanks so very much for everything from a very tired but very happy pastor.

Now, our work takes on a new tone – sacramental season begins now – baptisms, confirmations, first communions and weddings, as we all move into a new gear. There is so much to be done, but filled with joyful hope, we look up and look ahead to so much.

Please keep our Confirmandi in your prayers who will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit on Saturday, April 29th at 4 pm and our first communicants, who will receive the Body of Christ on Sunday, June 7 at 1 pm.

Our St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting clothes on the weekend of May 20-21. Please stay tuned for updates! Please make sure you mark your calendar for Sunday, June 4 at 11 am Mass at St. Mary’s Church and a collation to follow at Bishop Lawton Hall at St. Francis de Sales!

Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation

Are you willing and able to share your time and talent with our parish?

We are hiring!

The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation coordinates the Religious Education program for students in grades K-8, including Youth Group, along with Confirmation 1 and 2. The Program Coordinator attends meetings with parish staff and meets and works regularly with the Pastor, Pastoral Associate and the Parent Advisory Council to plan classes, Masses and Family Formation activities.

Please reach out to or if you are interested in applying!