“I have always dreamed of a far-off place,
where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me.
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face,
and voice keeps saying, this is where I’m meant to be.
I will find my way. I can go the distance.”
From Go the Distance, from Hercules
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,
this time more intelligently.”- Henry Ford
The internet is filled with stories of inventors, writers, businesspeople, athletes, artists, and other folks who, like Henry Ford, failed in countless endeavors, but never gave up until they succeeded. It’s very inspiring to read these stories, especially when we can feel overwhelmed or frustrated by our own limitations, but I always think of the words of Pope Benedict XVI that each of us, in our own way, have been called to greatness- not as the world sees it, but the greatness that Christ has prepared for us.
Will it be easy? Nothing great is easy, but in Christ all is possible. In today’s Gospel, Thomas doesn’t understand the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven, but Jesus comforts him with the promise that awaits him- all he needs to do is to stay focused on the promise and live his life, as St. Paul writes, worthy of the calling we have received. We may fail at times, and feel like that the stone that builders rejected, but as Christ is our cornerstone, we will not fail.
It Takes A Village…
Every pastor and pastoral staff know that a parish cannot run without the
involvement of its parishioners.
And so, this is a call to all of our parishioners to volunteer your time in various ministries and activities
in our Parish.
Some of the ministries in need of your presence are:
The Baptism Committee,
The Funeral Team,
Hospitality Committee,
Faith Formation,
Liturgical Ministries and more!
Please contact Sr. Nancy at 617-242- 4664 or ncitro@stmarystcatherine.org for more information.
We look forward to your involvement in continuing to make our Parish a vibrant and welcoming community!
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation
Are you willing and able to share your time and talent with our parish?
We are hiring!
The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation coordinates the Religious Education program for students in grades K-8, including Youth Group, along with Confirmation 1 and 2. The Program Coordinator attends meetings with parish staff and meets and works regularly with the Pastor, Pastoral Associate and the Parent Advisory Council to plan classes,
Masses and Family Formation activities.
Please reach out to jsheridan@stmarystcatherine.org or
ncitro@stmarystcatherine.org if you are interested in applying!
A word of sincere congratulations to our young women who received the Sacrament of
Confirmation from Very Rev. Jonathan Gaspar, and the girls and boys who are receiving first Holy
Communion this weekend- it’s extra special to have Fr. Jim Ronan with us to concelebrate!
Thanks to those who prayed with us last Saturday on the feast of St. Catherine of Siena for so
many troubled people who gathered in Boston. May the peace of Christ reign in the hearts of all
people of good will.
Please note that I will be away May 10-18 on a family trip.
If you haven’t done so, please consider giving online to our Parish Family- it’s very simple and tax deductible!
Give Dianne a call at the parish offices and she can guide you through the steps. It will help us through the long summer months to keep our ball rolling!
Please remember to mark your calendars and join us on Sunday, June 4th for the 11 am Mass at St. Mary’s for the Inauguration of our Collaboration of St. Mary– St. Catherine & St. Francis de Sales parishes and the installation of the pastor- a collation will follow at St. Francis de Sales.
-Fr. John