It is the Solemnity of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and sent them out to all nations! It’s a time to look within and see all the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us in so many different ways. The Spirit today gives us all the tools we each need to reflect the presence of God. It’s easy for us to compare, that others seem to have gifts that we perhaps wish we had, when we don’t appreciate what’s ready within and around us. May we never take for granted all that He has given us, may we find a way to give Him honor and
praise in own particular way!
It’s going to be an honor for me to have a couple of roles in the upcoming Bunker Hill Day and Week festivities, remembrances, and memorials. As we pause as a nation on Memorial Day, look to Bunker Hill Day, and remember those who have given their lives in the founding, defense, and protection of our country, may we always cherish and never take for granted the blessings we’ve received, but share them generously with others. Anne Frank wrote: “No one ever has become poor by giving.” To all of us who have given so much- in this
country who has so very much- we owe in return the gift of being generous to the poor, the needy, the homeless, the refugee. It’s more than just kindness- it’s our human responsibility.
At St. Francis, we’re building an updated list of addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Our collection envelope list is getting updated, so if you haven’t received envelopes, you’re new to the family or if you’re not sure that you’re registered, drop us a note at stfrancis02129@gmail.com or call Dianne Ludy at 617-242-4664 with your info (please specify that it’s for St. Francis), or fill out a sheet in the church and we’ll get you onboard! Soon we’ll have online giving!
American Anthem
All we’ve been given by those who came before
the dream of a nation, where freedom would endure.
The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day…
What shall be our legacy? What will our children say?
Let them say of me, I was one who believed
in sharing the blessings I received.
Let me know in my heart when my days are through
America, America… I gave my best to you.
Each generation from the plains to distant shores;
with the gifts what they were given, were determined to leave more.
Battles fought together; acts of conscience fought alone
these are the seeds from which America has grown.
For those who think they have nothing to share
who fear in their hearts there is no hero there.
Know each quiet act of dignity is that which fortifies
the soul of a nation that will never die.
Let them say of me, I was one who believed
in sharing the blessings I received.
Let me know in my heart when my days are through,
America, America… I gave my best to you.
written by Gene Scheer
used with permission.