The Archdiocese of Boston announced that Cardinal Seán has appointed Fr. Cristiano Barbosa as episcopal vicar for our region, on July 1. Fr. Jonathan Gaspar has been serving as vicar since Feb. 1.
A regional episcopal vicar assists the cardinal in the governance and oversight of the work of the Church within his region- Boston and its immediate towns, and celebrates the sacrament of confirmation. Thank you for taking on this important responsibility, Father Cristiano- we will pray for you!
Sometimes, people will ask me directions to a place I’ve known for years, and I won’t remember how to direct them. I know to take a left where the old pharmacy used to be, or to take a right at my childhood friend’s house in Newton, but I’ll look blankly at them, trying to recall the names of the streets or other markers that I have passed by a million times. I know it in my heart, but I can’t share the way there.
Last week, we celebrated the great feast of Pentecost, and Apostles (and we, too) are sent to teach the world what Our Lord taught us. Sometimes they, and we too, get confused on the way, as Thomas and Philip are lost is what Jesus is
saying to them in today’s Gospel- they don’t realize He has given them (and us) everything we need- our hearts and souls know the way there. May we trust the Lord and keep going on the way He has chosen for us- just like the beautiful
words from the song “Love is a Compass” by Sarah Griffiths:
When you need direction, look to the stars.
If you don’t know where you’re heading, follow your heart.
When you’re lost, I will guide you. I’m right there beside you,
like a map of your memories.
It’s going to be an honor for me to have a couple of roles in the upcoming Bunker Hill Day and Week festivities, remembrances, and memorials. As we look to Bunker Hill Day and remember those who have given their lives in the founding, defense, and protection of our country, may we always cherish and never take for granted the blessings we’ve received, but share them generously with others.
At St. Francis, we’re building an updated list of addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Our collection envelope list is getting updated, so if you haven’t received envelopes, you’re new to the family or if you’re not sure that you’re registered, drop us a note at or call Dianne Ludy at 617-242-4664 with your info (please specify that it’s for St. Francis), or fill out a sheet in the church and we’ll get you onboard! Soon we’ll have online giving
Our Installation and Inauguration Mass with Bishop O’Connell has been rescheduled for: Sunday, September 24 at 11 am at St. Mary’s Church! A collation will follow at Bishop Lawton Hall. Please invite everyone to join us!
Fr. John Sheridan