And I’ll show you what it means to love like this…
to love like you don’t even care about the hurry and the hustle…
like you are unaware December comes with so much trouble.
‘Cause you believe a baby came, not in paintings or in plays,
but every minute, every hour, every day… to be real.
From Real, written by Nichole Nordeman
This second Sunday of Advent we are introduced to someone who took real to a new plane- the great John the Baptist. John challenged people then and us today to transform our lives. He dressed strangely, ate an unusual diet, but it was the truth of his words that was the point. John calls us today to conform our lives, not to the slavish desires of this world, but to the freedom of Jesus Christ. No wonder Herod was fascinated by him- the brightness of truth eventually cuts through the foolishness and clamor and darkness of this world.
During this season of waiting, may we be lights of challenge and hope to those in our midst. May we point others, by our words, by our actions, by our very lives to Jesus Christ, John’s cousin.