Let them hear You through me. Let Your words be mine.
Let them see that Your love is the reason I’m inspired,
and when given the choice, may they recognize Your voice.
Let them hear You through me, O Lord.
From Let them Hear, written by Ginny Owens

I’ve always believed that God is constantly calling us, in all times and seasons, calling us to a deeper relationship with Him through His people. In this weekend’s first reading, He calls Samuel in Samuel’s dreams, and of course, he couldn’t understand what is going on until, with Eli’s understanding and help, he finally begins to put the pieces together.
God is calling you, calling me, to listen and respond to his invitation to serve, love, and give. May we not choose to ignore His call in our hearts and lives.
Thanks to Sam from Collette Tours and everyone who came out on a wind-swept and rainy Tuesday night for a presentation on our adventure to Italy in October! We’ll do it again in a few weeks- check out the trip online at: gateway.gocollette.com/link/1217946 or just ask Fr. John!
Please note that Monday, Jan. 15, our nation marks the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass will be offered at 9 am at St. Catherine’s Chapel. Our Collaborative offices will be closed. It also marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity- may we, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, work to build bridges of faith, hope, and love together!
Next Sunday, Jan. 21 at 2 pm at St. Francis Church, we will have a Holy Hour to offer our prayers and intentions for the defense and protection of Human Life from the moment of conception to natural death. The Church’s crystal-clear stance is that every life is sacred and must be fought for and protected, and we will take up that fight.
We live in a society that cheapens and dismisses that truth in so many ways, and we must pray and act to change this mindset, to challenge our society to see the value God has been given to each human life. Join us for an hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and let us ask our Blessed Mother to intercede and remind our world what her Son taught the world.
On Saturday, Feb. 3 at 10 am, our new Auxiliary Bishop, Most Rev. Cristiano Barbosa, will be ordained at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Everyone’s welcome, and as I am Vicar Forane for our area, it will be an honor for me to represent. He has already impressed me and so many with his humility, warmth, sense of humor and pastoral care. I look forward to what he will share with us as our Regional Bishop.
Coming soon!
Two very special evenings with a dynamic TV, film and stage actor and dedicated Catholic who will light up St. Mary’s Church with three presentations:
Monday evening, March 21: Signs! The Gospel of John and
Tuesday evening, March 22: The Sermon on the Mount and Hollywood vs. Faith!
Take everyone to this special evening with TV and film star Frank Runyeon, and be inspired, encouraged, and spellbound!
Admission is a free will offering. Mark these dates on your shiny new calendar and join us!
Looking up. Looking ahead.
Wednesday, February 14– Ash Wednesday
Thursday, February 29 at 5:30 pm- First Reconciliation at St. Mary’s
Thursday, March 7 at 5:30 pm- First Reconciliation at St. Francis de Sales
Thurs & Fri, March 21-22- Lenten Mission at St. Mary’s
Monday, March 25– The Annunciation of the Lord