I’ll be your candle on the water, this flame inside of me will grow.
Keep holding on, you’ll make it. Here’s my hand, so take it.
Look for me reaching out to show, as sure as rivers flow… I’ll never let you go.
From Candle on the Water, written by Kasha & Hirschhorn

Our journey to Jerusalem has begun, and it starts in the quiet of the desert. Some years ago, I took a trip out to Nevada and Arizona, and like many people, I fell in love with its hard beauty- I can’t explain why- I just felt a sense of depth and purpose. It’s a misunderstanding that the desert is dead- it’s hot and dry but it’s teeming with life that we can’t see. Lent can be an empty and bleak time of waiting desperately for Easter and spring, or it can be a place of activity, focus, and renewed hope. Jesus went to the desert to refocus and though it can be difficult at times (what truly great pursuit is easy?), our faith reminds us that we’re never alone. It’s time to look up and look ahead at what can be, and follow through, with our words, actions, and life.
Let’s get out there and get to it.
A Word to the Wise…
Those 14 years and older are called to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent.
Catholics are also encouraged to engage in acts of kindness, justice, and mercy
as well as abstain or refrain from something
one would normally indulge in to mark the nature of the season.
For young children, parents should communicate the meaning and importance of Lent.
Stations of the Cross
The Stations will be prayed in English and Spanish at St. Francis Church
on Fridays throughout Lent at 6:30 pm. Gather with us and walk the steps of Christ.
Rites of Election &Welcoming
This Sunday, Feb. 18, after the 11 am Mass, folks from our Collaborative
will join with hundreds of candidates and catechumens for the Rite of Welcoming at the Cathedral.
Through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, they will be brought into the
fullness of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on March 31st. Please pray for them.
Also on Sunday, in honor of World Marriage Day, at the 9:30 am Mass at St. Francis
and the 11 am Mass at St. Mary’s Church, we’ll invite couples to restate their vows!
Coming soon!
Two very special evenings with a dynamic TV and film star Frank Runyeon
who will light up St. Mary’s Church with three presentations March 21-22:
Thursday, March 21 at 7 pm: Signs! The Gospel of John
Friday, March 22 at 7 pm: The Sermon on the Mount and Hollywood vs. Faith!
Take everyone to this special evening and be inspired, encouraged, and spellbound!
Admission is a free will offering. Mark these dates on your calendar and join us!

Raised in a Methodist home in Mississippi, Sister Thea Bowman came into the Catholic Church at the age of 9 with her parents’ permission in large part due to the influence of her Catholic education. Sr. Thea was also attracted to the Church by the example of how Catholics seemed to love and care for one another, particularly the poor and needy. She was impressed with how Catholics put their faith into action, especially in a time of segregation.
Sister Thea became a highly acclaimed evangelizer, teacher, writer, and singer sharing the joy of the Gospel and her rich cultural heritage throughout the nation, most notably addressing the US Bishops Council in 1989 about what it meant to be Black and Catholic in society. She reminded the bishops about the importance of Catholic education in the Black community, as well as our call to be united as one family in Christ:
“Today we’re called to walk together in a new way toward that Land of Promise and to celebrate who we are and whose we aren’t… The Church teaches us that the Church is a family of families and the family got to stay together and we know, that if we do stay together – if we walk and talk and work and play and stand together in Jesus’ name – we’ll be who we say we are – truly Catholic — and we shall overcome – overcome the poverty, overcome the loneliness, overcome the alienation and build together a Holy city, a new Jerusalem, a city set apart where they’ll know that we are here because we love one another.”
Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman, pray for us!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. John