How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand.
How long will I want you? As long as you want me to, and longer by far.
How long will I hold you? As long as your father told you… as long as you can.
From How long will I love you written by Mike Scott
Zoom to Italy!

There’s still time to sign up for our adventure to Italy in October! A Zoom meeting
for folks interested in our trip will take place this Monday, March 4th at 6:30 pm.
To join us, send a message to jsheridan8699@gmail.com, and learn about this exciting adventure!
First Confessions!
Congrats to the kids who received First Reconciliation at St. Francis last week!
Please keep in your prayers the kids who will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Thursday, March 7 at 5:30 pm at St. Mary’s Church!
Stations of the Cross
The Stations will be prayed in English & Spanish at St. Francis Church
on Fridays throughout Lent at 6:30 pm. Gather with us and let’s walk the steps of Christ.
Ready for My Close-Up
I make my return to Catholic TV Mass on Thursday, March 21st at 9:30 am!
A Date to Remember: Saturday, March 16th
We’re having a clean-up day at St. Francis de Sales church for Holy Week and Easter,
so grab your cleaning supplies and join us as we spruce up our pretty church starting at 9:30 am!
Peace before Holy Week
Join us on Wednesday, March 20th at 7 pm at St. Francis Church for a Lenten Penance Service!
A Word to the Wise…
Those 14 years and older are called to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent.
Catholics are also encouraged to engage in acts of kindness, justice, and mercy
as well as abstain or refrain from something one would normally indulge in to mark the season.
For young children, parents should communicate the meaning and importance of Lent.
Coming soon!
Two very special evenings with a dynamic TV and film star Frank Runyeon
who will light up St. Mary’s Church at 55 Warren St. with three presentations:
Thursday, March 21 at 7 pm: Signs! The Gospel of John
Friday, March 22 at 7 pm: The Sermon on the Mount and 7:45 pm: Hollywood vs. Faith!
Take everyone to this special evening and be inspired, encouraged, and spellbound!
Admission is a free will offering. Mark these dates on your calendar and join us!