What a Holy Week! From a beautiful Lenten prayer service to an electrifying Drama Mission to a chilly
but warm Palm Sunday, through a movie night that touched and challenged us all in a theatre filled to
capacity, to reaching out to hundreds of Charlestown families, into a Sacred Triduum of prayers, Stations and liturgies to an exhilarating Easter Vigil and Day where in both churches we welcomed new
members of the family through the sacraments of our faith, I am so grateful to Sr. Nancy, our collaborative staff and everyone who shared their multitude of gifts. Have a joyous Easter season! Look up. Look ahead. The light of the resurrected Christ shines for us all!
Thank You!
Thanks so much to James, John, Oscar, Shawn, and everyone else for their hard work
as we welcomed Frank Runyeon to Charlestown last week and were spellbound
by the talent, faith, hope and love he shared at our Lenten Mission!
If you’re interested in more about Frank, go to runyeonproductions.com
Rice Bowls!
Remember to bring back your Rice Bowls, which benefit the great work of Catholic Relief Services!
Your generosity makes such a difference! For more info, see crs.org
The Easter Collection
The Easter collection was for the retired priests of the Archdiocese.
Your generosity was deeply appreciated!
If you haven’t yet given, please make a donation to this important cause. Go to clergytrust.org
The Sacrament will be administered by our regional Bishop Cristiano Barbosa
on Saturday, April 27 at St. Mary’s at 4 pm,
and by Fr. John on Sunday, April 28 at St. Francis at 9:30 am.
Thank You!
Following the 6 pm Mass on April 21 & 28, join us for goodies in the back of St. Mary’s Church,
as we celebrate our extraordinary Faith Formation year and express our thanks and fond farewell
to Allison Buff, who ran our K-4 program so very well.
First Communion!
We will celebrate First Communion at St Mary’s on Saturday, May 4 at 10 am
and at St. Francis on Sunday, May 5 at 9:30 am!
A Special Sending Forth
On Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at the 11 am Mass (wear red that day for the Holy Spirit),
we’ll be sending forth Sr. Nancy, as she heads off to her next adventure.
Join us for a special Mass and celebration as we express our gratitude
to our beloved sister in Jesus Christ and her exceptional ministry here.