When the end has come, and buildings are falling down fast..
when we’ve spoilt the land and dried up all the sea.
When everyone has lost their heads around us… You will find Him next to me.
From Next to Me, by Emeli Sande

“I am the good shepherd; I know mine and mine know me.” We can take comfort in these words of Jesus from today’s Gospel. Jesus knows every one of us, and cares for and about us, but what about the second part of that statement? Do we know him as well as he knows us? Are we committed to developing/nurturing our relationship with Jesus? Knowing Jesus and recognizing his voice takes a discerning heart. Through our friendship with him, we realize that he companions us in all that we do. We have the promise of Christ’s presence as we go out to others and share the “Good News.” Take time this week in prayer to listen to the voice of our Good Shepherd and ask for the grace to be responsive to His call.
The Sacrament will be administered by Most Rev. Cristiano Barbaro
on Saturday, April 27 at St. Mary’s at 4 pm
and by Fr. John on Sunday, April 28 at St. Francis at 9:30 am.
First Communion!
We will celebrate First Communion at St Mary’s on Saturday, May 4 at 10 am
and at St. Francis on Sunday, May 5 at 9:30 am!
As we conclude the Faith Formation year, we express our thanks
and fond farewell to Allison Buff, who ran our K-4 program so very well this year.
Let Anyone Who Thirsts, Come to Me:
A Healing Mass for those Impacted by Divorce or Separation
Tuesday, April 30 at the Pastoral Center from 6:30- 9pm. Hosted by Family Life Ministry, the evening includes Confession, Adoration, a witness talk by divorced Catholic Mark Gioia, a Mass celebrated by Fr. Jürgen Liias, and prayers for healing. For more info or to register visit bit.ly/LetAnyoneWhoThirsts or call Emily Elliott at (617) 746-5756.
Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Retreats
Are you – or someone you know – seeking peace after an abortion? The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women experiencing regret from a past abortion, to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day retreat. Upcoming dates are Saturdays, May 11th and June 8th. Locations are confidential. For more information on the retreats or other services, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or help@projectrachelboston.com. Fr. John is a Project Rachel priest.
A Special Sending Forth
On Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at the 11 am Mass (wear red that day for the Holy Spirit),
we’ll have a sending forth for Sr. Nancy Citro, as she heads off to her next adventure.
Join us for a special Mass and celebration as we express our gratitude
to our beloved sister in Jesus Christ and her exceptional ministry here.