Life has taught me this, every day is new… and if everything is true,
all that matters when we’re through is how we love.
Faced with what we lack, some things fall apart,
but from the ashes, new dreams start.
All that matters to the heart, is how we love.
From How We Love, written by Beth Nielsen Chapman
Today is a solemn celebration of our belief in the revelation of one God, yet three divine persons. Today, the Church proclaims the truth about God and about us, and that is, that God is love and we are made for this love. With that love comes responsibility. Jesus commissions us in today’s gospel to make disciples… to baptize… and to teach in the name of our Triune God– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We don’t undertake these tasks alone; Jesus accompanies us. Hear again His encouragement to us – “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Let us take Christ’s commissioning to heart and spread the Good News!
Dr. Fr. Britto
If you see Fr. Britto around, please congratulate him on his new title.
He has successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at BC and is a doctor of letters.
He will soon be returning to his home diocese in India to teach and serve the people of God.
We are grateful for his generous, faithful and loving service here.
He’ll speak at the Masses next weekend – join us for a collation following the 11 am Mass Sunday, June 2
as we say thank you and farewell.
Oh beautiful, for heroes proved in liberating strife
Monday, May 27 is Memorial Day. Please note that Mass will be offered at 9 am at St. Catherine’s Chapel
and the parish offices are closed.
Catholic Appeal update
Both parishes are nearing 90% of our Catholic Appeal assessments!
We need your help to reach and pass the goal! It helps our parishes, our Collaborative and our Archdiocese!
Please give and help us build the ministries so many around us need.
To give, take a blue envelope from the pews or go to catholicappeal.com and answer the call.
Summer Mass schedule
Lots of changes are on their way, and we need to take some time this summer to pause.
Please note that from June 10 through Labor Day, Daily Mass will be suspended
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thanks very much for your understanding!
Summer plans
Summer is coming soon but the needs around here remain- please consider online giving
and make sure we pay our bills and continue to build for the future.
Give us a call and we’ll walk you through the process. Thank you!
Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Retreats
Are you – or someone you know – seeking peace after an abortion?
The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women experiencing regret from a past abortion, to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day retreat on Saturday, June 8th.
Locations are confidential. For more information on the retreats or other services,
contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or help@projectrachelboston.com.
Fr. John is a Project Rachel priest.
Serving the Spiritual Needs of Grieving Parents
Saturday, June 1 9:30 am – 7:30 pm
Mary Queen of Apostles Parish: St. James Church Hall 150 Federal St. Salem, MA
The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents serves the spiritual needs of parents whose children of any age have died by
any cause. This one-day retreat gives parents the opportunity to concentrate on their individual spiritual journey through the grief and come to know the promise of Jesus and eternal life. The retreat is open to parents of any age who have lost children at any age and by any means (including abortion, miscarriage, suicide, and overdose).
Participants must register and will be contacted by retreat leaders with additional information.
To register, visit mqoa.org/emmaus or leave a message for Dr. Christine Williams at 978-594-7780.
When my heart finds Christmas…
On Friday, Nov. 22, we’re going to Manhattan to see incredible Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular,
starring the Rockettes! We’ll leave Charlestown by motor coach at 7 am, attend the 2 pm show in Orchestra seats,
and have a few hours to take in the excitement of the Big Apple- we’ll be back in the Town by midnight!
Tickets are $225 per person, reservations with a $100 deposit, starting May 28. 20 available for each parish maximum of 4 tickets per family. Call Dianne at 617-242-4664- any questions? See Fr. John!
Giving of our time, talent and treasure is not about giving until it hurts.
Rather, it is about giving until you feel good about what you have given.
As summer approaches and plans are being made for vacations, let’s look ahead to how we all can get involved at St.
Francis de Sales and St. Mary- St. Catherine Parishes. Please take a look at some of the ministries that will benefit from your involvement: Worship Committee, Baptism Prep Team, Wedding Team, St. Francis Hall Team, Stewardship Committee, Social Team, Spiritual Committee, Family Committee, Social Justice Committee, and Adult Confirmation/OCIA. Please think about volunteering and sharing your talents with our Parish. Throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing information about these important ministries. If you would like more information on any of the listed committees/teams, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for all that you do for our Collaborative.
Collaborative Worship Committee
As we look up and look ahead, a major goal for our Collaborative will be to initiate and develop committees to help us
grow together as parishes and as a collaborative. We begin, as in all things, with the worship and service of our loving God as a combined committee.
The Worship Committee gives direction to the liturgical life of the parish, as well as fostering and promoting the spiritual
growth of all parishioners, enabling us all to understand what it means to be a baptized Catholic Christian. It also seeks to
provide opportunities for personal and communal prayer in a variety of ways, coordinating the weekend Masses for the various seasons, liturgical ministries, Marian and Eucharistic devotions, prayer services outside of Mass, periodic retreats and the annual Parish Missions during Lent and Advent.
The Worship Committee comprises music directors and leaders, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters, Ushers, Faith Formation directors, Baptismal preparation and Funeral coordinators, and others in both parishes.
It is responsible for the following:
Coordinating and collaborating the liturgical ministries of the parish, including music, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters, servers, art &environment. Fostering dialogue between liturgical ministers and committees in order to insure that liturgical and spiritual programs are reaching the needs of all parishioners.
Evaluating periodically the weekend liturgies, drawing upon the insights and feedback of parishioners.
Promoting communal prayer through the parish missions, days of recollection, and Advent and Lenten devotions.
Fostering an annual evaluation of parish programs of spirituality in order to discover what is working and what more might be needed in order to meet the diverse needs of the parishioners.
If you are interested in this valuable service to God’s Holy Church, her people and our Mission as a collaborative, please
see Fr. John. Don’t be surprised if you are asked to serve. We’ll have some relaxed discussions and preparation later on this summer, and we’ll meet on a monthly basis from there.
You don’t need a theology degree, just a heart, mind and soul!