Summer Mass schedule
Lots of changes are on their way, so we need to take some time this summer to pause.
Please note that from June 10 through Labor Day, Daily Mass will be suspended
on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Summer plans
Summer is coming soon but the needs around here remain- please consider online giving
and make sure we pay our bills and continue to build for the future.
Give us a call and we’ll walk you through the process.
Thank you!
Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Retreats
Are you – or someone you know– seeking peace after an abortion?
The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women experiencing regret from a past abortion, to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day retreat on Saturday, June 8th.
Locations are confidential. For more information on the retreats or other services,
contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or help@projectrachelboston.com. Fr. John is a Project Rachel priest.
When my heart finds Christmas…
On Friday, Nov. 22, we’re going to Manhattan to see incredible Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular,
starring the Rockettes! We’ll leave Charlestown by motor coach at 7 am, attend the 2 pm show in Orchestra seats, and have a few hours to take in the excitement of the Big Apple- we’ll be back in Town by midnight!
Tickets are $225 per person, reservations with a $100 deposit. 20 available for each parish-
maximum of 4 tickets per family.
Call Dianne at 617-242-4664 – any questions? See Fr. John!
Giving of our time, talent and treasure is not about giving until it hurts.
Rather, it is about giving until you feel good about what you have given.
As summer approaches and plans are being made for vacations, let’s look ahead to how we all can get involved at St. Francis de Sales and St. Mary- St. Catherine Parishes. Please take a look at some of the ministries that will benefit from your involvement: Worship Committee, Baptism Prep Team, Wedding Team, St. Francis Hall Team, Stewardship Committee, Social Team, Spiritual Committee, Family Committee, Social Justice Committee, and Adult Confirmation/OCIA. Please think about volunteering and sharing your talents with our Parish. Throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing information about these important ministries. If you would like more information on any of the listed committees/teams, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for all that you do for our Collaborative.
Baptismal Preparation Ministry comprise a group of parishioners from both parishes
who help parents and godparents in the following areas:
- Understand the meaning of Baptism
- Embody their roles as leaders of children in their faith journey
- Encourage parents and godparents to find different ways to practice faith in action and be powerful Christian examples to
their children. - Develop relationships with young families to build the Body of Christ in the Charlestown Catholic Collaborative.
Members of the Ministry – Baptismal Facilitators need to be welcoming representatives of our Faith Community and demonstrate a strong desire to serve their fellow parishioners and share Christian parenting values. A commitment to the Ministry is very important to maintain a constant schedule of classes and baptisms for our parish.
There are teams of Baptismal Facilitators; each team teaches, along with staff, the class for parents and godparents and assists at the celebrations. Preparation classes on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 11 am will be combined; Sacramental celebrations take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm at St. Mary’s Church and at 1:30 pm at St. Francis.