Do you hear your heart call?
Maybe you weren’t baptized, or you missed Confirmation- perhaps you just want to learn more about the Catholic Church, what we believe and more importantly, why we believe it.
Starting this fall, we will have relaxed discussions about our faith- it’s a great opportunity to ask questions, maybe to become a member of the family!
Please see Fr. John and join us!
Catholic Appeal update
St. Francis and St. Mary- St. Catherine have both hit
over 100% of our Catholic Appeal assessments!
The Appeal helps our parishes, Collaborative
and our Archdiocese! Please give and help us build
the ministries so many around us need.
Go to and answer the call!
Summer is here but the needs remain- please consider online giving to help us pay our bills and plan
for the future. Give us a call or drop us a note and
we’ll walk you through the process. Thank you!
When my heart finds Christmas…
On Friday, Nov. 22, we’re going to New York City to see
incredible Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular,
starring the Rockettes! We’ll leave by motorcoach at 7 am,
attend the 2 pm show, and have a few hours to take in the
Big Apple- we’ll be back by midnight!
Tickets are $225 per person, reservations with a $100 deposit.
16 available for each parish- maximum of 4 tickets per
family. Call Dianne at 617-242-4664
– any questions? See Fr. John!
Let’s look ahead to how we all can get involved in our Collaborative, at St. Francis de Sales and St. Mary- St. Catherine. Take a look at some of the ministries that will benefit from your involvement in these committees: Worship, Baptism Prep, Wedding, St. Francis Hall, Stewardship, Social, Spiritual, Family, Social Justice, and Adult Confirmation/RCIA. Please share your talents with us!
Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass
All couples celebrating their 10th, 25th, or 50th wedding anniversaries or another special milestone are invited to a celebratory Mass on Sunday, Nov. 3 @ 3 pm at the Cathedral. Couples will renew their marriage commitment and receive a special blessing. Family and friends are invited to attend.
To register, visit
For info, email Emily Elliott at or
call 617-746-5756.