Symbolon meets Monday, Sept. 23
at 7 pm at St. Catherine’s Chapel!
Bring your hearts, bring your minds, bring your souls,
bring yourselves, bring someone you love.
Please note!
Daily Mass schedule: Monday- Friday at 8 am and Saturdays & holidays at 9 am
in St. Catherine’s Chapel returns The 6 pm Sunday Mass will remain at
St. Catherine’s Chapel for the time being.
Welcome, your Excellency!
As we welcome Bishop Richard Henning as our new Archbishop, let’s pray that God will give him every good
gift of the Holy Spirit he will need. His installation will take place on Thursday, Oct. 31 at the Cathedral.
Such an easy and generous way to give!
Please consider online giving to help us pay our bills and plan for the future. Give us a call or drop us a note and we’ll walk you through the process. Thank you!
When my heart finds Christmas…
On Friday, Nov. 22, we’re going to New York City to see the incredible Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, starring the Rockettes!
We’ll leave by motorcoach at 7 am, attend the 2 pm show, and have a few hours to take in the Big Apple- we’ll be back by midnight!
Tickets are $225 per person. 16 are available for each parish- maximum of 4 tickets per family. Call Dianne at 617-242-4664- Any questions? See Fr. John!
A New Committee
Recently, our newest committee- liturgy- met for the first time, and it was a very helpful and lively conversation. We talked about Masses here at St. Mary’s and St. Francis and what’s done in other parishes
near and far, calling upon the Holy Spirit to stoke the fires of creativity for our parishes and our Collaborative ways to express our faith, hope and love for Christ!
An initiative from the group will involve the joy that October brings as we celebrate the month dedicated to the Rosary! Soon, we will announce a beautiful way for us to join our prayers for us, our Town, our city, our Church, and the world!
Catholic Appeal update
St. Francis and St. Mary- St. Catherine have both hit
over 100% of our Catholic Appeal assessments!
The Appeal helps our parishes, Collaborative and our Archdiocese! Please give and help us build the
ministries so many around us need. Go to catholicappeal.com and answer the call!

September 14/15
Today’s second collection will benefit Clergy Trust which provides programs and support to care for the health and well-being of all active and senior diocesan priests in good standing. This collection is an important source of funding for our priests, so a gift of any amount is greatly appreciated. On behalf of myself and all my brother priests who benefit from the support of Clergy Trust, thank you for your generosity.
Look up. Look ahead.
Monday, Oct. 7 Men’s Group @ 7 pm @ St. Catherine’s Chapel
Friday, Sept. 20 Family Movie Night 6:30 pm @ St. Francis Hall.
Look up. Look ahead.
Sunday, Sept. 29- Harvest on Vine
Fundraiser @ 12-2 pm @ Brewer’s Fork
Saturday, Oct. 5- Blessing of the Animals
10 am @ Blessed Mother statue across from St. Francis
Monday, Oct. 7- Men’s Discussion Group
7 pm @ St. Catherine’s Chapel

Let’s look ahead to how we all can get involved in our Collaborative, at St. Francis de Sales and St. Mary- St.
Catherine. Take a look at some of the ministries that will benefit from your involvement in committees:
Baptism Prep, Wedding, St. Francis Hall, Stewardship, Social, Spiritual, Family, Social Justice, and
Adult Confirmation/RCIA. Please share your talents with us!

Consider a Priestly Call…Take a risk for God! Enter the mission field where bold action meets lasting outcomes. Over 750+ priest alumni discerned a sacred call later in life. Maturity with God’s grace can move
mountains. Can you leave it all to follow Christ? Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, MA is offering the latest in its “First Friday Visits” program on October 4th at 5:00 pm. Holy Hour and Evening Prayer. Option to attend in person or virtually. In person includes dinner with the seminarians and a tour. Virtual includes a Zoom visit following Holy Hour. Make a resolution to be courageous. Consider a priestly call. Contact: firstfriday@psjs.edu or 781.899.5500 ext.