And so, we begin…
We now begin Faith Formation classes! This
Sunday, Oct. 6, the 6 pm Mass at St. Mary’s
moves back upstairs as Confirmation prep and
Youth Group meet afterward, and on Tuesday,
Oct. 8, we start K-4 classes in the Collaborative
Center at 46 Winthrop.
Registration is at and
the fees remain the same as last year.
We’re looking for teachers- if you care for kids and want to
share your faith, this is a perfect time and place to help!
Please see Fr. John and help us bring
about something special!
Welcome, your Excellency!
As we welcome Bishop Richard Henning as our new
Archbishop, let’s pray that God will give him every good
gift of the Holy Spirit he will need. His installation will
take place on Thursday, Oct. 31 at the Cathedral
Thanks to everyone who came to see Cabrini! Our next
grownup movie will be Nov. 15: Entertaining Angels, the
Dorothy Day story! Thanks also to those who came on
Saturday to our Blessing of the Animals!
Look up. Look ahead.

Monday, Oct. 7– Men’s Discussion Group
7 pm @ St. Catherine’s Chapel
Please note!
Fr. John will be in Italy Oct. 14-24.
The Franciscans at St. Anthony’s Shrine
will help with funerals.
Mass will be suspended Tuesday, Oct. 15 & 17
& Thursday, Oct. 17 & 24.

Next Sunday October 13 we celebrate World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day is October 10. Join the novena on the USSCB web site from Oct. 10 and ending
Oct. 18 (feast of St. Luke). The daily texts for the novena can be found online at
The three primary goals of the National Campaign: (1) to raise awareness of the mental health crisis, (2) to
combat stigma surrounding the topic of mental health, and (3) to advocate for all those impacted by the crisis.
The mental health crisis is a profound challenge to the Church and to society. Catholics can respond with generosity, hope, and compassion to everyone who needs help. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB) invites all people of good will to pray for mental health and wellness with a special nationwide novena beginning on World Mental Health Day (Oct. 10).

First Sunday in October
October is Respect for Life Month
Bishop Burbidge Calls on Catholics to Renew Commitment to Life
Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities calls on Catholics to renew their commitment
to the legal protection of human life, to support policies and service ministries that assist mothers,
and to extend compassion to those suffering from participation in abortion.

Navigating “the Change”: A Workshop by Women for Women
Join retired OB/GYN, Dr. Patricia Jay and certified NFP instructor, Amy Dyke, to discuss how to
navigate the changes of the female body throughout perimenopause and menopause. Throughout
this virtual workshop, she will walk us through the biology and theology of our femininity and the
beauty of new beginnings that “the Change” brings us. Register at