An Important Message!
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Change is in the air at St. Catherine’s Rectory. We have said goodbye to Fr. Britto, and we are now saying goodbye to Fr. Mark Shimave as he moves to BC to continue his studies- we will have a collation soon to thank him for his dedicated and loving service to our parishes. We have added Msgr. Felix to the house and Fr. Tony remains here, but their primary responsibilities are outside Charlestown and must be respected.
I’m looking at some adjustments here- I have already been approached by folks here very concerned that I’m working too hard.
Changes will begin with the daily Mass. The weekend Mass schedule will be looked at again closely- I will be working with our worship committee and our councils to craft a schedule that addresses the needs of the community in a reasonable way.
As much as I value the ministry of visiting priests to help on occasion, the presence of the pastor at our collaborative Masses is crucial to build what we’ve begun here, and although long-held traditions are valuable, I’ve learned that hanging on to some purely for the sake of continuity doesn’t help anyone.
Through this period, I ask your prayers and thank you for your patience.
Yours in Christ, Fr. John
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