The Three Pillars of Lent
Guide: Praying with Scripture
Enter His Gaze
Ask for Grace to be open
Read the Scripture a few times
Meditate on what bubbles up
Pray (or talk to the Lord) about your meditation
Contemplation – Be still and rest in
His presence
Conclude with the Lord’s prayer
“Fasting gives birth to prophets and
strengthens the powerful; fasting makes
lawgivers wise. Fasting is a good
safeguard for the soul, a steadfast
companion for the body, a weapon for the
valiant, and a gymnasium for athletes.
Fasting repels temptations, anoints unto
piety; it is the comrade of watchfulness
and the artificer of chastity. In war it
fights bravely, in peace it teaches stillness.”
St. Basil the Great
”Let us also love our neighbors as
ourselves. Let us have charity and
humility. Let us give alms because these
cleanse our souls from the stains of sin.
Men lose all the material things they
leave behind them in this world, but they
carry with them the reward of their
charity and the alms they give. For these
they will receive from the Lord the
reward and recompense they deserve.”
St. Francis of Assisi

for Lent Please consider these Parish Ministries:
Harvest on Vine Food Pantry
St. Vincent de Paul
the CRS Rice bowls

Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Retreats
Are you –or someone you know –seeking peace after an abortion?
The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston
extends a special invitation to women experiencing regret
from a past abortion to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing
one-day retreat.
Spring dates are Saturdays, Mar. 15 & May 10.
Locations are confidential.
For more info on the retreats or other services, call 508.651.3100
or help@projectrachelboston.com.
Fr. John is a Project Rachel priest.

Shrove Tuesday – Fat Tuesday: March 4
Shrove Tuesday, is the day immediately preceding Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent in
Western Christian churches. It is also known as Fat Tuesday.
Traditionally, Catholics have embraced Fat Tuesday as a way
to get rid of all the fats and desserts in the house in preparation for Lent.
The deeper meaning for Fat Tuesday actually comes from its traditional name, Shrove Tuesday.
The word “shrove” means to give absolution—to be forgiven!
Shrove Tuesday is an invitation to reflect on your life, seek forgiveness and peace,
and get ready for 40 days of spiritual renewal during Lent.
Pancakes are the traditional choice in a number of European countries;
the day is known as Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday in Ireland.
In Poland , Paczki (deep fried doughnuts) are traditional.
Mardi Gras–which means “Fat Tuesday” in French – is a well known celebration
that takes place in New Orleans, where parades, parties, and feasting
lasts anywhere from one day to several weeks. King Cake is the special food for the day.