Scouting is coming back to Charlestown!
On Monday evening, parents, girls and boys flocked to 46 Winthrop to watch a great presentation on Scouting by Pack and Troop
617 in Quincy. They took part in activities and asked questions as Scouting prepares to roar back to Charlestown. There will be a parents’ meeting on Tuesday, March 18 at 5 pm at 46 Winthrop. Look up. Look ahead. Be prepared. Take the lead.

We will continue Symbolon for Lent!

Join us Monday evening, March 10 at 7 pm
at St. Catherine’s Chapel. For info, see Fr. John.

Coming March 25-27
for our Collaborative Lenten Mission:
The Three R’s of Lent
Monday, March 25 at 6:30 pm @ St. Francis
Renewal with Fr. Paul Coughlin
Sacrament of Anointing
Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 pm @ St. Mary’s
Reconciliation with Fr. Mark Riley
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesday, March 27 at 6:30 pm @ St. Francis
Resurrection with Deacon Joe Nickley
Celebration of Mass