Dear Parish Family,

I’m writing to let you know that I will be stepping away from my ministry as Pastoral Associate of this amazing, life-giving Parish community.
As I approach my 73rd birthday and 17th year in the Parish, through prayer and discernment with my spiritual director, congregational contact person, family, and close Notre Dame friends, it has become clear to me that it is time to welcome new life into our beloved Parish.
My last day in the Parish will be May 19th – coincidentally or perhaps God-incidentally, the Feast of Pentecost. I say God-incidentally because I do believe it is the Holy Spirit who gifted me with all of you; and that it is the Holy Spirit who is nudging me to relinquish this ministry that I so love, and take a break for some time with family, sisters, friends, and physical and spiritual renewal. Then I will discern where and with whom God is calling me next to share God’s goodness and love as best I can.
There are no words to describe how being a member of this remarkable Parish Family means to me. I am grateful to you for welcoming me into this community of faith and for allowing me to share in your joys and in your sorrows. You have enriched my life beyond measure.
This year, my congregation, The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, is celebrating 175 Years of An Enduring Legacy of Goodness in New England. You may have read about it in The Pilot. Since I have been a part of the St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena community for the past 17 years, it gives me great joy to know that you are a part of my Congregation’s history.
Now…there is still more to do before May 19th! Your Parish needs you and you will greatly benefit by sharing your talents in one of our ministries. Stay tuned as we plan to have a Ministry weekend or two featuring all of our ministries and inviting you to help our Parish community to continue to deepen our faith, embrace God’s vision for our world, and then share it with one another and beyond.
You will always be in my heart and in my prayers,
Sr. Nancy