Altar Servers/Acolytes Altar servers are children, teens, and adults who assist the celebrant in liturgical celebrations.
Lectors Lectors are entrusted with the work of proclaiming the Sacred Scripture to those assembled at the Sunday and Daily Eucharist. Lectors also raise the community’s prayer to God by leading the Prayer of the Faithful. Individuals interested in this ministry must possess the ability to proclaim the sacred texts intelligibly and comfortably.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of the Lord’s Body and Blood at Mass. These ministers may bring communion to the home-bound when needed.
Greeters Our parish greeters are the first face of the parish, extending a warm welcome to parishioners and visitors. Greeters distribute music programs and bulletins, they answer questions, they invite people to bring forward our gifts of bread and wine at the Eucharistic Liturgy, and they invite parishioners to help with the offertory collection.
Altar Society Members launder and iron altar linens and help prepare the church for liturgical season change.
Arimathean Society Members assist with funeral liturgies.
Cana Ministry Ministers assist with wedding rehearsals and weddings.
Baptism Team Ministers engage with the parents and godparents who attend the monthly Baptism Preparation Class and provide refreshments for them. They assist with the monthly Sunday Baptisms.