Sr. Nancy
Sr. Nancy Citro, SNDdeN
In gratitude to an extraordinary woman who stayed strong and loving through difficult times to guide so many souls to light, happiness, and peace. Thank you, Sr. Nancy, for your faith, hope and love.
Our Parish, Collaborative, Town, and the whole Church is all the richer for the diversity of your gifts.

Celebrating our Pastoral Associate
The SNDdeN Phoenix Immigration Project
A collection to be taken up at the Masses at St. Mary- St. Catherine Parish
on the weekend of June 1-2 in gratitude for the ministry of Sister Nancy Citro, SNDdeN
Advocating for Asylum Seekers
When Bishop John Purcell invited the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur to serve in his growing Cincinnati Diocese in 1840, he was concerned for the newly arrived immigrants, most of whom came from Germany. Since then, service to immigrants has been a constant in the ministry of the SNDdeN Ohio Province and has flourished for over 50 years in the Phoenix, AZ, Diocese.
In recent years, innumerable individuals and families have sought asylum in the United States to escape violence, extortion, extreme poverty, and political, religious, and sexual persecution. Motivated by the spirit of St. Julie Billiart to serve the most abandoned, we hear today Pope Francis’ call urging “the faithful to consider the treatment of immigrants, asking: Do we welcome them as brothers (and sisters) or do we exploit them?” Today, we express God’s goodness in our service to asylum seekers.
Asylum Seekers Before Covid
Before COVID-19 interrupted group activities in Arizona, small churches provided essential services of welcome, food, clothing, and showers. They also helped to arrange Asylee’s transportation to family members and sponsors. Sisters Olivia Pacheco and Nancy Wellmeier volunteered at three Protestant churches. Sisters Meg Walsh and Liane Delsuc were doing the same at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church and a Methodist Church. At each place, once a week, a Department of Homeland Security bus drops off already vetted asylum-seekers to pursue their claim while sponsored by a relative or friend in the U.S.
In 2019, the International Rescue Committee established the Welcome Center in central Phoenix and enlisted the aid of an interfaith coalition of volunteers. Sisters Nancy, Olivia, Meg, and Liane began volunteering there regularly.
Organizing a Team of Volunteers from Three Provinces
As asylum seekers increased, the need for volunteers at the Welcome Center grew. SNDdeN initiated a project to invite Sisters from across the U.S. to serve for short terms of two to four weeks. Sisters Liane, Meg, and Nancy, along with Sisters Loreta Jordan and Mary Alice McCabe, became the organizing team from our three U.S. Provinces. Given their passion to serve migrating peoples, they presented the project to the Ohio Province Leadership, who supported this expanded immigrant ministry.
All three U.S. Provinces endorsed the effort to serve asylum seekers, providing financial support for transportation, room, and board for Sisters who would live in the Habitat for Humanity community in South Phoenix with Sister Meg and Liane. They later extended the invitation for volunteers to Associates, SNDdeN staff members, Sisters of other Congregations, family members, and friends.
Mission to Educate and Advocate
Multiplying hands for the Welcome Center was only one objective: a second was that volunteers would return home with a mission to educate others with accurate facts regarding the “invasion” at the border and to advocate with legislators for comprehensive immigration reform.
The reality of global migration has been hopeful at the Welcome Center as people arrive from Russia, Georgia, India, Bangladesh, and Central and South America after harrowing journeys.
December 2021 through 2022
Fifteen Sisters of Notre Dame, five former Sisters, two Sisters of another Congregation, and four friends traveled to Phoenix to offer service at the Welcome Center.
Volunteers joined Sister Nancy as she greeted new asylum seekers and provided sandwiches and drinks for hungry travelers.
Others guided the asylum seekers as they chose one new set of clothing.
Sister Liane managed the schedule for the showers.
Volunteers helped Sister Meg pick up and serve the dinner St. Vincent de Paul Society provided.
Volunteers also spent mornings at the Habitat Community washing towels to be returned to the Welcome Center the next day.
Habitat Community
The Habitat Community provides a “home” for our volunteers and experiences of community with prayer and reflection on the reality of immigration. Volunteers share experiences in monthly newsletters designed by Sister Terry David, SNDdeN. Some Sisters and Associates participate in this mission by sending handmade scarves, hats, and care packages of needed items. Others give financial donations to cover clothing and hygiene items at the showers.
The sense that we are all in this together has been quite inspiring. St. Julie is undoubtedly proud of the Mission of her daughters: As we work for justice and peace today, we hold in our hearts… those people forced to migrate across borders in search of life and hope.
Written by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Liane Delsuc, Loreta Jordan, Mary Alice McCabe, Meg Walsh, and Nancy Wellmeier.
First published in Good Works, Volume 19 No.1. March 2023
Best of luck in your retirement! Thank you for everything you have done for the parish! Denise
Dear Friend you have been my greatest supporter. You will be truly missed. All the best to you on your new adventure. Fran Taylor
Dear Sister Nancy, Your friendship is one of the great joys of moving to Charlestown fifteen years ago. Lots of love, Peter & Donna LeCam
For your warmth, kindness, empathy, and caring beyond measure, we are most thankful and filled with gratitude. With love, Maggie & Frank
From our very first day as new parishioners (more than 2O years ago, you have always made us feel so welcomed and loved. With gratitude,
The Markeys
It was so fun having Sister Nancy teach chapel at Good Shepherd. We love seeing her at Mass. Evelyn and Carmen
It’s impossible to put in 150 words how Sister Nancy has impacted my life. Thank you for EVERYTHING!
May God continue to bless Sr. Nancy with good health and happiness for many years to come! We will miss her dedication, faith and kindness!
Sister is truly graced with wonderful gifts of compassion, warmth and wisdom and is always willing to share these with others in our parish
We have been blessed to be part of this wonderful Parish! Thank you for everything. G.R., Kirsten, G3, W and E.
Sister Nancy has been a fixture for my family. She always has a kind word and warm hug. She will be missed! Conforti Family
Sister Nancy I am so grateful for having you in my life these past 20+ years. Words cannot begin to explain my appreciation for your wisdom and constant source of strength. You might not know this but you were my rock that got me through so many challenging family
times. Best wishes for you always!
Sister Nancy is the most welcoming person.
Sister Nancy, thank you for your kind spirit and your dedication to this Parish. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. We will miss
Sister Nancy, you will be greatly missed. Filling your shoes will be a very tall task. Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of
his hand.
Sister Nancy, Your compassionate and creative leadership, always with refreshing humor, has .been a unique source of strength to St. Mary
-St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners. Fondly, Sister Kathleen Carven
Sister. Nancy is a wonderful and kind spiritual woman. She is so caring and will be missed
Sr Nancy – thank you for all you have done for our parish and for your many years of service. You will be missed!!
Sr. Nancy has been a pillar of warmth and strength to our Catholic community. We wish you the best on your next journey! The Frawleys
will miss you!
Sr. Nancy invited me to join the St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parish. I am forever grateful for her wisdom and guidance and welcoming
Sr. Nancy–in thanksgiving for your gift of loving kindness, we pray to Jesus and Mary for boundless and joyful blessings for you on your
Sr. Nancy, there aren’t words to express my gratitude for your contribution to my family! You are an angel on earth and always in my prayers! xo
Sr. Nancy is such a gift. She is always there like an old friend. Sharing both the joy in life as well as the sorrow. Best wishes on the next
Thank you for all the love, support, and friendship you’ve given me throughout the years! Congratulations on a job well done! Love you
Thank you for all you have done for our parish community . You have left your mark on every aspect of the parsh in a quiet, gentle way
and with a wonderful sense of humor. You have enriched our faith and have been with so many of us through the happiest times and supported us in the most challenging times of our lives. Our gratitude is endless for your friendship and being the wonderful Sister Nancy that
we love and will miss so much!
Thank you for everything you have done for the parish (and its parishioners)! You will be greatly missed. Best wishes for your next steps!
Thank you for everything you have done for us Sister Nancy. We will miss you and hope that you will come back to visit! Stephanie, Raj
and Mira
Thank you Sister Nancy for all that you did at Good Shepherd – my children loved learning from you during chapel. Wishing you all the
Thank you Sister Nancy for leading an amazing RCIA program and welcoming us into the Charlestown Catholic Community! – Brian,
Hannah and Henry Ferguson
Thank you Sister Nancy for your fkindness and for all of the fantastic work you have done for all of us! God Bless You. Annie Shackford
Thank you so much Sister Nancy!!! Excited for your next chapter in life ໋
Thanks so much for everything Sr Nancy. You will be missed by all of us. God Bless You Mike Shackford.
There are no words to express my gratitude and admiration for all you are and all you do. You have been a gift in my life.
We will miss you. You are special
We’ll always remember your very first year at St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena when Eden played baby Jesus at Christmas Eve Mass.
We’ll miss Sr. Nancy’s calm presence and steady guiding hand. I will always appreciate the kindness she showed with my mother’s illness
and passing.
Words aren’t enough to describe the gratitude & love for Sr. Nancy. She has truly been the heart & soul of our parish & will be greatly
You exemplify the love and compassion of Christ in all that you do. We are forever grateful for your warm support and friendship to our
You have prayed with me in my greatest joys-sacraments of my children-and greatest sorrows- loss of my parents. I’m so blessed to call you
my friend.
Pentecost Sunday and
Sr. Nancy’s retirement celebration Mass
May 19th, 2024

A letter from Sister Maureen Clark the Catholic Chaplain at MCI Framingham.
I am very honored to be able to share a small reflection on this wonderful day of appreciation for you, Sr Nancy.
I have had the opportunity to share in prison ministry with Sr. Nancy over the past 10 years This time has been extremely gifted for the women she had the opportunity to meet and minister to through Bible Study, Sacrament Class and one-to-one Spiritual Direction.
What I have come to know with Sr. Nancy is her powerful presence. She doesn’t even have to speak. Sr. Nancy has a gift that is so warm and welcoming everyone feels comfortable in her presence.
Early on when Sr. Nancy began prison ministry with me at MCIF it was clear that from the first moment she experienced and was moved by an overwhelming sense of compassion. She didn’t miss for a minute where she was and who she was with .. many times… what she saw and heard was breaking her heart.
She knew the women were going no where. They would be locked down, few had visits, many longed to see their children and wished and hoped for positive court actions in their cases. Sr. Nancy feeling very vulnerable and wishing she could be of some help offered far more than she realized. The gentleness, hope and sincere meeting meant the world to the women. She saw and heard their suffering and loss. Her compassionate gesture was transforming in a way that allowed the women to feel safe and knew that what they shared would be held as sacred. The moments of prayer that followed was welcomed and very healing in the midst of a cold prison.
Sr. Nancy is a real gift to all of us. I thank her for listening carefully, for knowing Jesus and for sharing that love relationship with all of us. Your genuine service is alive and welcomes each and everyone of us into that circle of love..
I know I am so grateful to you, Sr. Nancy.
Looking forward to your help in the days ahead in prison!

A message from Sr. Nancy …
Dear Friends,
I am writing this note of gratitude and appreciation to you on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. One image of the Holy Trinity that I am fond of is: A Community of Love. The love of the Father, Son, and Spirit overflows upon us continually and we are to share that love with one another.
I am so grateful for the outpouring of love and appreciation expressed since it was announced in January that I would be resigning from my position as Pastoral Associate. The love came to me from so many current and former parishioners, and from the wider Charlestown Community in various forms: phone calls, emails, social media, in person, greeting cards, Rosary Service, Women’s Group, all culminating in an indescribable celebration on the Feast of Pentecost. When I remember it all, an ongoing prayer wells up within me, “O Lord I am not worthy.” How can I ever find the words to thank God and each of you.
For some reason, God has seen fit to abundantly bless me with a treasure trove of experiences over the past 17 years and with your articulations of recognition. I remind myself of the scripture passage from Isaiah (26:12b) that I hold as true: “O God, you alone have accomplished all that we have done.”
As I said on Pentecost Sunday, though our paths are diverging, the mission remains the same: To love God, love one another as Jesus loves us, and to be the Eyes and Hands of Christ in the world, especially to those most in need. It has been my honor and privilege to partner with you in this effort during my time here. My gratitude to Fr. John Sheridan for his support, understanding, generosity, and insistence that we conclude my time in the Parish in a prayerful and celebratory fashion. I am grateful to our Parish Staff and volunteers for their collaboration over the years and for their hard work and commitment to the wellbeing of the Parish and parishioners; and to all of you, for your stewardship of time, talent, and treasure in our Parish and beyond.
As I go, I leave with you my affection, profound respect, unending gratitude, and promise of prayers. And, I take with me my many my time in the Parish in a prayerful and celebratory fashion. I am grateful to our Parish Staff and volunteers for their collaboration over the years and for their hard work and commitment to the wellbeing of the Parish and parishioners; and to all of you, for your stewardship of time, talent, and treasure in our Parish and beyond.
My everlasting gratitude to you, my good and loving God. I trust in your ongoing faithfulness and guidance as together we journey on the path of life. Amen.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas. Estoy muy agradecido con ustedes por todo su amor, apoyo, generosidad, y enseñanza. Los extrañaré mucho y los recordaré siempre con mucho cariño. Gratitud infinita para cada uno de ustedes. Siempre estarán en mi corazón y en mis oraciones.