Music for Your Wedding
Music for the Sacrament of Marriage
Director of Music, John Anthony Volpe, M.Th.

Congratulations on your engagement! This guide is designed to assist you in planning the music for your celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. First, you will want to decide whether you prefer a Wedding Mass, which includes the reception of Holy Communion, or a Wedding Ceremony without Holy Communion. Either can precede the Sacrament of the Rite of Marriage. The choice that you make will determine the range of music. Prospective couples should contact the Director of Music at least six months in advance of your intended date. Please email the Director of Music, John Anthony Volpe, to introduce yourselves:
To begin your planning, we invite you to celebrate Mass with us and to schedule a meeting with the Director of Music before or after that Mass. If you prefer to participate in a Mass with more traditional music, we encourage you to attend Mass at 4pm Saturday or at 8am on Sunday. These two Masses feature our recently restored 1892 Harris & Woodbridge organ. If you prefer participation in a Mass with more contemporary music, we invite you to join us at 11:00am or at 6pm on Sunday, where you can hear our Steinway grand piano, and on occasion, flute, or guitar.
Consultation with the Director of Music
Prior to consulting with the Director of Music we invite you to follow the links below and listen to the recordings of sample music selections. This list contains liturgically suitable suggestions and where in the program they would appear. The list is by no means exhaustive, it is a sampling of music to get you started with some ideas.
What music is appropriate for your wedding?
Whether you select a wedding Mass or ceremony music is an essential part of the liturgy. Each piece serves a particular function, whether it be to accompany the processional, serve as a hymn of praise, or respond in song to a Psalm. To be liturgically appropriate all music for your wedding must be drawn from sacred (Biblical) text. Secular pieces or popular songs are not suitable for a Catholic church setting. If you have any questions about special music selections that are meaningful to you the Director of Music will gladly offer guidance.
Compensation for musicians
There are separate fees for the organist/pianist, cantor/psalmist, and instrumentalists (where selected) who will serve at your wedding.
The Director of Music has the first right of refusal for himself or other parish organists for all weddings held at Saint Mary – Saint Catherine of Siena. If an outside organist is requested the Director of Music will approve the guest organist and will receive a bench fee in keeping with the Parish Wedding Policy and the Code of Professional Development of the American Guild of Organists. Please email the Director of Music for a schedule of current fees.

If you have decided to have a wedding Mass, you will need to choose one music selection for each of the following parts of the Mass:
a) Processional,
b) Responsorial Psalm,
c) Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts,
d) Communion, and
e) Recessional.
If you have decided on a wedding ceremony (without Eucharist), you only need to choose one music selection for each of the following three parts:
a) Processional,
b) Responsorial Psalm,
c) Recessional.
Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, Bach.
Psalm 89: Forever I Will Sing the Goodness of the Lord
Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind and Merciful
Psalm 128: Blest Are Those Who Love You
Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name
Endless is Your Love, Kendzia.
Eyes and Hands of Christ, Kendzia.
One in Body, Heart and Mind, Walker.
One Love Released, Frenzel and Keil.
A Place at Your Table, Walther.
Love Divine, All Love Excelling, Wesley.
Praise the Lord Ye King of Heaven, Handel.