From our Pastor

Latest notes from Fr. Sheridan

From Our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

from our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

And all I ever have to be is what You’ve made me.
Any more or less would be a step out of Your plan.
As You daily recreate me, help me always keep in mind
that I only have to do what I can find,
and all I ever have to be… is what You’ve made me.
From All I ever have to be written by Gary Chapman

Sometimes we take for granted what each of us gives to the world or has the capacity to. It’s so easy for us to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others who might have gifts or skills that seem to be more attractive, more valuable, or more helpful. As adults we’re even harder on ourselves, as we see others excel in A or B and we seem to fail, though we may excel in C or D.

St. Paul understood that tendency when he writes about the parts of the body in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 12:14–26) and Jesus illustrates it perfectly in today’s Gospel in the story of the talents (He uses the term in two ways, because a talent was also considered a monetary term). God has given us gifts- differently, not more or less to make something extraordinary come about, and it may seem so simple, but maybe that’s the point behind it all. I love how St. Paul writes how the Church is comprised of living stones and we build each other up- we need one another. It’s not always the quantity, it’s the quality that’s the point.

There are so many out there who may think they are not worthy or have nothing to give, but the truth is it is God who gives us what we need and makes us worthy, not any of us or this world. May we rejoice in a God who loves us as we are and calls us to develop and share His gifts with one another and the world. The world needs you.

Prayer taken from the Catholic Household Blessings, Revised Edition, Copyright 2007, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

I hope we start seeing forever, instead of what we can gain in a day.
I hope we start seeing each other, because don’t we all bleed the same?
I really hope someone can hear me, that a child doesn’t bear the weight of a gun.
I find the voice within me to scream at the top of my lungs

From Hope, written by Emeli Sande

November is my favorite month, a time to remember our beloved dead, the souls and saints who teach us by their extraordinary lives and love what this is all about, through our remembrance of the courage and grace of the heroes in our midst on Veteran’s Day, to gathering in thanks for all that we’ve been given, celebrating the King of Peace, Christ our Lord and looking forward to the beginning of our journey to Bethlehem.

Our hearts are heavy with worries of violence and war across our world and around us, and we bring them to Christ. The powers of this world, as awesome as they can seem, bow, trembling before God. May we find courage, surrounded by the whispers and rumors around us, in the truth that we hold deeply in our hearts and speak out boldly for truth, justice, and mercy.

Introducing Gospel Delights!

Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings from Fr. Britto (Dhinakaran Savariyar)! I am extremely happy to introduce Gospel Delights (, which is my new blog page to share my reflections on everyday gospel text, including solemnities and feasts. The blog has the picture of four evangelists as its featured image. By God’s grace, I would like to continue this new ministry I have taken up.

Kindly pray for me and get back to me with your helpful comments and feedback.
I thank Fr. John for his generous initiative to introduce my blog page to you.
Let us be united in the love of Christ!

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

I want to leave a legacy; how will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering- a child of mercy and grace,
who blessed your name unapologetically… and leave that kind of legacy.

From Legacy, written by Nichole Nordeman

It’s interesting that it seems when anyone meets someone famous, one of the first things they tell others is what a “regular person” he or she is, they say that the star is kind or down-to-earth, or something like that, that it’s amazing, somehow. In reality, we’re all called to be that way to others- always. Muhammad Ali once said that when he was at a restaurant with someone: “I don’t trust anyone who’s nice to me but rude to the waiter, because they would treat me the same way if I were in that position.” It’s refreshing to encounter someone quite naturally kind, patient, and understanding with everyone, and I hope we all try to be that way.

That’s what Jesus is calling each of us to be in today’s Gospel, to put God, and the presence He is in everyone first, and ignore what the world tells us to think- He calls out the best in each of us to everyone in every way, not just when it’s convenient or because when we’re supposed to, but so it becomes second nature and without any reservation. May we be reflections of God’s presence in our world, putting Him first. He will change us- through us, person by person, He will change our world.

Nov. 1st is Feast of All Saints, a holy day of obligation. Masses will be offered on Wednesday at 9 am at St. Francis de Sales Church and at 6 pm at St. Mary’s Church. Please join us!

As we walk into the giving season, there are so many ways we can give our time, talent, and treasure- listen to your heart and hear God’s voice to give generously. Anne Frank wrote that “no one ever became poor by giving.” Let’s give!

Please encourage someone you love to join you for Mass. We miss all those who are away and wait in joyful hope for them to come home. You can help. All you need to do is pray for them and ask them. You may be surprised at the answer.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

Cold is the morning, warm is the dream… chasing the answers ‘til I can’t sleep.
Will I be stronger, or will I be weak when you’re not with me?
Who am I without my armor, standing in my father’s shoes?
All I know is that it’s harder to be loyal, brave, and true

From Loyal, Brave, and True written by Crabtree, Hartman, Golan, Gregson

In this weekend’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to focus on who we belong to, the world or to God. We can be so easily seduced by our culture, our society, and our world to give into the temptation to turn away from what our conscience knows what is right- we can show indifference to the call for each of us, by our words and actions, to be instruments of peace, we can ignore the plight of the poor and the struggling in our midst, we can turn our eyes and our ears from the cry that each human life is sacred and has dignity, from the moment of conception to natural death, we can turn away from our calling as Christians, and particularly as Catholics, to be make a difference in this world.

Beyond our citizenship in this country and our world is our membership- by our baptism- in the Body of Christ, and our Lord makes this truth crystal clear. We are blessed to live in this free land, with all our rights and responsibilities. Jesus doesn’t deny the importance of governance in this world, but He, as we celebrate later next month, is our true King, calls us to something greater than this world can ever give, and ever know. Our King is calling us today and every day, in every moment, to be loyal, brave, and true to Him- in every way. May we hear the clarion call- may we find the courage to follow it- and live it.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

Wandering the road of desperate life… aimlessly, beneath the barren sky.
Leave it to Me, I’ll lead you home.
So afraid that you will not be found… it won’t be long before your sun goes down.
Just leave it to Me, I’ll lead you home.
So let it go and turn it over to the One Who chose to give His life for you.
Just leave it to Me, I’ll lead you home. Leave it to Me, I’ll lead you home.

from I’ll lead you home, by Michael W. Smith

Today’s Gospel is such a revelation- something that we all need to hear, about a King who wants so much to share his generosity with all of us, and how many people reject this invitation to the feast. I’m sure all can feel the sadness and frustration of the King as he sees how so many folks turn away from his invitation- especially when we see empty pews in our churches. As Catholics,
we have a responsibility to spread the Good News of Christ, and reach out to the lost sheep in our midst and bring them in.

So many people- family members, friends, do not join us at Mass- folks that we love so deeply who for one sad reason or another choose not to receive the Word of God, the Body of Christ, the community of his faithful. We need to address this sad circumstance and address it NOW please join me and encourage someone you care about- a family member, friend, coworker- this week, to come to Mass with you. Your invitation may be the very words they need to hear. You don’t have be an expert to do this- be yourself. The Holy Spirit will give you the words you need.

As we begin now to look up and look ahead at a season of change and renewal, this is a perfect
time to personally take your baptismal calling and proclaim the Good News- it may seem awkward
at first, but the change that will take place will be worth the effort- be the one who leads them
home to the feast!