From our Pastor 150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

Sr. Nancy’s order
There is still time to give to Sr. Nancy’s order’s great work in Phoenix.
please write SND or Phoenix on your check or write it on an envelope
and it will go to this important, life-saving and life-giving ministry.
Catholic Appeal update
St. Francis has hit over 100% of its Catholic Appeal assessment! St. Mary- St. Catherine has hit its assessment!
It helps our parishes, our Collaborative and our Archdiocese!
Please give and help us build the ministries so many around us need.
Go to and answer the call.
Lots of changes are on their way, so we need to take some time this summer to pause.
Please note that through Labor Day, Daily Mass will be suspended on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Summer is here but the needs remain-
please consider online giving to help us pay our bills now and build for the future.
Give us a call and we’ll walk you through the process. Thank you!
When my heart finds Christmas…
On Friday, Nov. 22, we’re going to New York City to see incredible Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, starring the Rockettes! We’ll leave Charlestown by motor coach at 7 am, attend the 2 pm show in Orchestra seats, and have a few hours to take in the excitement of the Big Apple-
we’ll be back in Town by midnight!
Tickets are $225 per person, reservations with a $100 deposit. 20 available for each parish maximum of 4 tickets per family. Call Dianne at 617-242-4664- any questions? See Fr. John!
Giving of our time, talent and treasure is not about giving until it hurts.
Rather, it is about giving until you feel good about what you have given.
Let’s look ahead to how we all can get involved at St. Francis de Sales and St. Mary- St. Catherine Parishes. Please take a look at some of the ministries that will benefit from your involvement: Worship Committee, Baptism Prep Team, Wedding Team, St. Francis Hall Team, Stewardship Committee, Social Team, Spiritual Committee, Family Committee, Social Justice Committee, and Adult Confirmation/RCIA. Please think about volunteering and sharing your talents with our Parish. Throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing information about these important ministries. If you would like more information on any of the listed committees/teams, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for all that you do for our Collaborative.
Family Ministry
Family ministry is a form of ministry which encompasses a range of activities geared towards families at every stage of their life together, in order to strengthen the love between them, their relationship with God and their service to the wider community. It was first defined in 1980 by the bishops attending the Synod of Family, who wrote that ‘Family ministry is of very special interest to the church. By this we mean efforts made by the whole people of God through local communities, especially through the help of pastors and lay people devoted to pastoral work with families.’ Parish family ministry initiatives continue to bear witness to the critical importance of healthy family life for people, for families, for society and for the Church, for personal, spiritual, social and faith development. We’d like to start a committee to reach out to so many young couples and families who live in Charlestown. Please see Fr. John for more information.