From our Pastor 150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative Charlestown Catholic Collaborative
So I’ll walk through this night… stumbling blindly toward the light… and do the next right thing.
And with the dawn, what comes then… when it’s clear that everything will never be the same again?
Then I’ll make the choice…to hear that voice… and do the next right thing.
From The Next Right Thing, written by Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez

I’m a big fan of the Indiana Jones movies, and my favorite was about Indy’s search for the Holy Grail, the chalice that Christ was said to have used at the Last Supper. There is a great scene in the film’s exciting climax when he is confronted with a choice between his goal and the life of someone he loved very much.
I’m happy to say we don’t have to make those kinds of ultimate decisions very often in our lives, but the challenge to be faithful to Christ can be very difficult at times for all of us. In the quiet moments of life, temptations can rise all around us to give into the easy decisions rather than take a different road, to choose to do the next right thing those challenges can wear us down and make us weak at times, but it’s important to keep in mind that we are never alone- that Jesus understands us and loves us in the midst of the fight, is always willing to help and forgive when we need it, to help us always to start over again. Let’s look up and ahead, confident that we’re not alone in the battles, that there is always a hand reaching out for us to grasp.
A Word to the Wise…
Those 14 years and older are called to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent.
Catholics are also encouraged to engage in acts
of kindness, justice, and mercy as well as abstain or refrain from something
one would normally indulge in to mark the nature of the season.
For young children, parents should communicate the meaning and importance of Lent.
Stations of the Cross
The Stations will be prayed in English and Spanish at St. Francis Church
on Fridays throughout Lent at 6:30 pm. Gather with us and walk the steps of Christ.
Ready for My Close-Up
I make my return to Catholic TV with the Mass on Thursday, March 14 at 9:30 am.
A Date to Remember: Saturday, March 16
We’re having a clean-up day at St. Francis de Sales church for Holy Week and Easter,
so grab your cleaning supplies and join us as we spruce up our pretty church starting at 9:30 am!
Coming soon!
Two very special evenings with a dynamic TV and film star Frank Runyeon
who will light up St. Mary’s Church at 55 Warren St. with three presentations:
Thursday, March 21 at 7 pm: Signs! The Gospel of John
Friday, March 22 at 7 pm: The Sermon on the Mount and Hollywood vs. Faith!
Take everyone to this special evening and be inspired, encouraged, and spellbound!
Admission is a free will offering. Mark these dates on your calendar and join us!
First Confessions!
Please keep our children in your prayers as they receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
for the first time this coming Thursday, Feb. 29 at 5:30 pm at St. Mary Church
and the following Thursday, March 7 at 5:30 pm at St. Francis Church!