Faith Formation

Children’s Programs

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the girls and boys who celebrated their First Reconciliation at both churches on Saturday. Thanks in a special way to Susan and Brittany who prepared them so well!

First Communion Masses will be celebrated on
Saturday, May 3 at 10 am at St. Mary’s
and Sunday, May 4 at 9:30 am at St. Francis.
We will announce rehearsals for these celebrations.


Faith Formation classes meet every second Tuesday afternoon at 4pm at Collaborative Center, 46 Winthrop Street.


A special thank you to Rachael Van Remortel and Katie Signorelli who supplied us with pizza and water.

If you’d like to volunteer to bring pizza or water to an upcoming class, please see this link to sign up.


Many thanks!
Cynthia Markey


Youth Group

Here’s a quick update from Sunday’s (March 2nd, 2025) Youth Group.

After receiving positive feedback and grateful acknowledgement on their Valentine’s Day card-making service project for young patients recovering at Spaulding Rehab in Charlestown, the group turned its focus to Lent. The group discussed how Lent represents a period of prayer, fasting and giving. They had a great discussion about what it means to give something up to make room for God. They also learned about the 40 days of Lent and what Jesus did during those 40 days. Everyone shared ideas and suggestions about things that they can “take up” or “give up” for Lent.

We also watched a Lent cartoon, an impressive video that several of the students enjoyed so much that they asked us to share it with all of you. It’s called Jesus in the Desert. (Picture: “40” by Si Smith; Song: “How He Loves” by John Mark McMillian) Here’s the link to that video:

Closer to the end of class, the group’s competitive spirit came through when they were divided into 7 teams and played 4 Lent-related word jumbles, crosswords, and other fun puzzles. Although all 7 teams were winners, 3 teams placed in the top tier for accuracy and speed. I want to thank our 2 student volunteers from the Confirmation 2 class, Pilar and Lina, who helped co-lead the class with Kerry and Madison, while also serving as judges for the games.

Kudos to Mark Savage and Namrita Kapur for bringing water and pizza to Sunday’s class.

If you’d like to volunteer for pizza for the April class, please use this link to sign up or feel free to email me directly. Thank you in advance to Tracey Lawler for volunteering to bring water to the April class.

The next (and last class) for Youth Group is Sunday, April 6th at 7pm, following the 6pm mass.

With many thanks and much gratitude,

Cynthia Markey

The Youth Group meets once per month, on the first Sunday of the month, at 7pm following the 6pm Mass.


Confirmation 1 & 2

Here are a couple of updates from Sunday’s (March 16, 2025) Confirmation 1 & 2 classes.

The Confirmation 1 class completed their two-part review on the Church and focused on the question, Why be Catholic? Afterwards, they engaged in a group discussion on Mission, reading selected passages from the Bible and reviewing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.  In small groups, they reflected on questions about mission, mercy, readings from the Bible, and ways to seek their own faith-based missions. During this season of Lent, they reflected on the following words of St. Ignatius: Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward, save that of knowing that I do your will. Amen.

Thank you to John, Emily and Abigail for leading a thoughtful and engaging class on these important topics. There are two classes remaining, April 6th and April 13th.

Meanwhile, Confirmation 2 students finished their review on the Church and played several lively rounds of Jeopardy, testing their collective knowledge on the Bible, Prayer, Saints, and the Church. Thank you to Nick for creating the game and making it so fun! Father John joined the class and talked about the significance of Holy Week. He invited them to play a role in Holy Week, particularly Holy Thursday and the ritual of washing the feet, inspired by Jesus’ act of humility at the Last Supper.

Saint Reports are complete. Letters of Intent are being finalized and must be submitted no later than our next class on Sunday, April 6th. A helpful guide for the Letters of Intent is attached. Sponsor names and Sponsor Certificates (attached) are also due by our next class. Remember, a sponsor may be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend, who has been confirmed in the Catholic faith and who reflects a good example of what it means to be Catholic. Please see attached handouts on Picking a Sponsor and the Sponsor Certificate which requires the sponsor’s Pastor to sign the form.  

Most students have completed the required two (2) hours of service and had their hours validated by us. For those students who have not completed their  service hours, please let us know as soon as possible how you plan on doing our service hours. A copy of your Baptism certificate is also required. Please take a photo of it and email it to me. All completed reports, letters, forms, certificates, and photos can be mailed to me at We are quickly approaching the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 10th!

Next classes for Confirmation 1 & 2 is Sunday, April 6th at 7pm, following the 6pm mass.

With many thanks, 

Cynthia Markey

Confirmation 1 & 2 meets twice per month at 7pm following the 6pm Mass on the dates listed here.
Sunday, April 6th: Youth Group, Confirmation 1 & 2
Sunday, April 13th: Confirmation 1 & 2
Confirmation is scheduled for Saturday, May 10th at 11:00am. Location TBD.

Crossword Solution is on Fr’s blog page


Confirmation and First Holy Communion
at St. Mary’s and St. Francis de Sales


For further information on our religious education programs please contact us:

Future Confirmation Grades

Change is coming in the Archdiocese.
Confirmation will soon take place in the 8th grade.
For the time being the program here
will stay with the 9th and 10th grade.
We have a few years to work it out.


Please complete our secure Registration Form to register a student

Religious Education 2024-2025 Registration
I wish to register my child for the Faith Formation program at Charlestown Catholic Collaborative.

    My parish is:

    St. Francis de SalesSt. Mary St. Catherine of Siena

    Student Information required:

    Student's Date of Birth (required)

    Student Grade - as of Sept 30, 2024 (required)

    Student's most recently completed Faith Formation year (required)

    Is there anything we should know, food allergies, medications, learning needs, etc. Please enter N/A if not.

    Does student receive accommodations at school? Please enter N/A if not.

    Sacraments already received by student.

    Has your student been Baptized? (required).


    Has your student completed First Communion? (required).


    Family Information (required).

    Student's primary residence (required).

    Parent / Guardian Information:

    Parent 1 Information required:

    Parent 1 Address (required if different to that of student).

    Is Parent 1 Address same as student? If yes skip to Parent 1 other.


    Parent 1 other Information:

    Parent 2 Information:

    Parent 2 Address (required if different to that of student).

    Is Parent 2 Address same as student? If yes skip to Parent 2 other.

    Parent 2 other Information:

    Other Family Information:

    Emergency Contact Information

    Click below to take you to our PayPal page to pay your Religious Education fee. Fees are $75 for all children, $125 if in a Sacramental year. If two or more, children are being registered we are capping the full fee for all at $150. Thank you !