

In general chronological order of your Christian Life. Some Sacraments are received just once in life, others may be received regularly and frequently.


If I am an adult seeking Baptism, what do I need to do?

We welcome all who want to receive the gift of divine life in the Catholic Church. If you are interested in learning more about receiving this sacrament and entering into full communion with the Catholic Church, please contact the office at or 617-242-4664.

Can anyone be Godparent for my child?

A Godparent is a spiritual role model for a person being baptized. They must be a practicing, confirmed Catholic. They do not have to be present at the Baptism but can have a proxy or “stand in” take their place at the ceremony. In some cases a practicing Christian of another church can take the role of “Christian witness” along with at least one Confirmed Catholic Godparent.

Adults seeking baptism should contact the office at 617 242-4664 or email us at the address shown.

How do I arrange a Baptism for my child?

Baptisms at St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena parish are held once a month, usually on the second Sunday of the month with rehearsals for all families on the Saturday before. Baptisms at St. Francis de Sales must be arranged with Fr. Sheridan. Please call the parish office. The specific date for each month can also be found on the News page.

Parents and Godparents should plan to attend a Baptism Preparation Class which takes place at 12:00pm Noon on the Saturday before the monthly baptisms and is at the Parish Center, 46 Winthrop Street

To request a baptism, and / or if your schedule is in conflict with the monthly baptism dates, please contact the office at 617-242-4664 or email us at:

Only a parent or a legal guardian can request the baptism of a child.


When are Confessions held at St. Francis de Sales or St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parishes?


Can I go to confession at times outside of the regular schedule?


What do I need to do to make a good confession?

Usually, one of our priests is available in each church, St. Francis de Sales and St. Mary St. Catherine of Siena, to hear confessions on Saturdays at 3:45PM (before the 4:00pm Mass) except on Holy Saturday.  Periodically, we have a communal penance service after which a number of priests are available to hear individual confessions.

Yes. Confessions are available by appointment by calling our Pastor, Fr. Sheridan at the Parish Center at 617-242-4664.

Take some time beforehand to review your life and identify any sins you have committed. Any serious sins you recall should be confessed with repentance and a sincere sorrow for sin. The priest will give you a penance, which is a prayer or act that allows you to show your repentance. There is a brief prayer, an act of contrition that expresses your sorrow for sin. The priest concludes by giving you pardon/absolution.


How can my child make his or her first communion?

In collaboration with parents, we provide a two year program of preparation for children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion beginning in the first grade and concluding in second grade.  Please see the Religious Education section of this website and contact the office for further information at or 617-242-4664.

What if my child is older than the second grade?


In collaboration with parents, we will work to prepare the older children for First Communion.

Can I request communion for a loved one who is home bound?

We welcome the opportunity to provide pastoral visits and communion for homebound parishioners. Please contact the sacramental coordinator

or call her at 617-242-4664 to arrange a visit with a priest. Our priests and deacons and communion ministers all make visits to make arrangements.

Can I bring Communion to a relative or friend who is in the hospital or home bound?

To give the Eucharist to another, a Catholic must be trained and authorized. We prepare confirmed Catholics to become Communion Ministers with much care. To be eligible for this ministry a Catholic must live a life of faith and charity consistent with the gift of the Eucharist.


When are young people usually confirmed?

What should I do if I was not confirmed in high school? I know I cannot be a Godparent for a Catholic, or be commissioned as a Lector or Communion Minister, if I am not confirmed.  What can I do?

In our archdiocese, young people are expected to prepare for confirmation during their high school years. Programs to help them grow in faith involve Mass, prayer, faith sharing, learning and service. At Charlestown Catholic Collaborative, students should register as they complete 8th grade.

Every year, Charlestown Catholic Collaborative provides Adult Confirmation classes for those who have not had the opportunity to receive this sacrament.


What do I need to do to get married in the Catholic Church?







Can I marry someone who is not a Catholic?



Can I be married in the Catholic Church if I have been married before?

The first step is to arrange to meet with our pastor by filling out our contact form.  You can also read about our Church services here. Once the form is received, you will be contacted by the Pastor for an appointment.  Reservation of your marriage date on our wedding calendar can only occur after this meeting. You will learn more about what you need in order to prepare for this sacrament during this meeting.

You should contact us at least six months before the date you have in mind for your wedding. We strongly recommend beginning this process a year or more before the intended date of marriage so that you and your fiancée will have adequate time to prepare for this lifetime of committed love. We often confirm weddings a year or more in advance.


Yes, you can celebrate your marriage at our Parish or at another church. Our pastor, Fr. Sheridan, is available to assist you and your fiancée in this process. You may contact him at or call him at the Parish Center at 617-242-4664.

Weddings with another baptized person must take place in a church of one denomination or the other.

Catholic – Jewish weddings may be celebrated in a building other than a church out of respect for the religion of the non-Catholic.


The church honors the marriage commitment that people make and so careful consideration must be given to a person’s previous marriage. There may be circumstances in which the church judges that a prior marriage is not binding for various reasons. The best thing to do is to contact our Pastor, Fr. Sheridan, who can assist you.  You may reach him at or call him at the Parish Center at 617-242-4664.


If I am ill, or am caring for a sick person, when should I request the sacrament of the sick?



Can a priest from Charlestown Catholic Collaborative anoint my relative in another city?

Anyone who is seriously ill or facing surgery, even if it may not be life threatening, is encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. People mistakenly think of this sacrament as the “last rites” but it is intended to help people get better. It may also be given to someone who is dying and we strongly recommend you call for a priest if there is real danger of death. In a hospital or nursing home, the staff should be able to make that contact for you with a priest who is responsible for that institution.

If you or someone you are caring for would like to receive this sacrament, please call our Pastor, Fr. Sheridan at the Parish Center at 617-242-4664.

Because our pastor, Fr. Sheridan, covers several hospitals and nursing homes, he is unable to provide this sacrament to people in other locations. In any hospital or nursing home, the staff is able to assist you in contacting a local priest who is responsible for that institution. Thank you for understanding the limits we need to set.


What should I do to prepare for the Catholic funeral for a loved one at St. Francis de Sales or St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena churches?


Is it necessary to have a funeral Mass?


Can a Catholic be cremated?


Normally the funeral director will assist you in making arrangements with us.   A priest or pastoral associate will then contact you to assist with the details of the Funeral Mass.

A Mass is the usual form of worship and the highest form of prayer for a Catholic. A funeral service is permitted under some circumstances but this should be done only after thoughtful discussion with a priest and family members, and not simply as a convenience.

The Church recommends that the body be brought to the Church for the rites of burial prior to cremation. If cremation cannot be done after the funeral Mass, the ashes may be brought to the Church for a Mass of Christian burial.

My mother died and was buried in another state, but most of our family and friends are here. Can we have a Mass for her at St. Francis de Sales or St. Mary–St. Catherine?

Yes. A Memorial Mass can be scheduled for your loved one and you can invite family and friends to participate.  If you have family and friends around the country or around the world who would like to attend the funeral Mass can be live-steamed. To schedule a Memorial Mass or live-stream, please call the Parish Center at 617-242-4664.