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Weekend Mass Schedule


Saturdays 4:00PM at both Churches
Sundays 8:00AM at St. Mary
Sunday 9:30 AM at St. Francis
Sunday 11:00AM at St Mary (Live stream link)
and 6:00 PM – at St. Catherine Chapel !


Please see our Education page for the school year schedule
and Registration Form

Please see our News page for Information and links to current activities


February 15/16, 2025

We hear the Beatitudes proclaimed in today’s gospel. The text is so familiar, it is easy for our thoughts to drift off and miss what Christ is saying. Take time this week to reflect on these Beatitudes. As you do so, notice how they take accepted standards and turn them upside down. The people whom Jesus called happy, the world calls wretched and despised; and the people Jesus called wretched the world would call well-off and happy. Imagine the response we would get when saying, “Happy are the poor,” and “Woe to the rich!” Jesus talks like this to put an end to the world’s values. We may very well have forgotten how revolutionary these beatitudes are. The question before us today is – will we concentrate on the world’s values or, will we concentrate on living according to the values of Christ?


Mass videos archive link

Pastor Fr. John Sheridan celebrates his first Mass at
St. Mary Church, Sunday, November 27th, 2022,
First Sunday of Advent