From our Pastor

Latest notes from Fr. Sheridan

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

A few years ago, I went on retreat with some priests. One of us, who was born and raised in Ethiopia, took a group of us out for supper to an Ethiopian restaurant. It was a great experience- I learned so much in a place that uses no cutlery. We used very different bread to wrap the delicious food and laughed and learned so much about the fraternity we shared from such different lives and cultures.

Sometimes we take for granted how diverse our Church is- we think everyone has the same way of looking at the world as “we” do, and we’re confronted by how diverse this world is, but what brings us together is so much more amazing and beautiful. The Eucharist, the sharing of bread and wine that is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, changes us every time we receive it and unites the Body of Christ, the Church, which we are.

Every culture in our earth may have a different understanding of bread, yet we share the precious gift of the Eucharist. We may speak in different languages, different music, dance, expressions, but we together share one faith. Let’s rejoice in this precious gift of unity that we hold in our hands, our hearts, our souls, our lives… our Lord, our Savior.

Fr. John Sheridan

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

The Archdiocese of Boston announced that Cardinal Seán has appointed Fr. Cristiano Barbosa as episcopal vicar for our region, on July 1. Fr. Jonathan Gaspar has been serving as vicar since Feb. 1.

A regional episcopal vicar assists the cardinal in the governance and oversight of the work of the Church within his region- Boston and its immediate towns, and celebrates the sacrament of confirmation. Thank you for taking on this important responsibility, Father Cristiano- we will pray for you!

Sometimes, people will ask me directions to a place I’ve known for years, and I won’t remember how to direct them. I know to take a left where the old pharmacy used to be, or to take a right at my childhood friend’s house in Newton, but I’ll look blankly at them, trying to recall the names of the streets or other markers that I have passed by a million times. I know it in my heart, but I can’t share the way there.

Last week, we celebrated the great feast of Pentecost, and Apostles (and we, too) are sent to teach the world what Our Lord taught us. Sometimes they, and we too, get confused on the way, as Thomas and Philip are lost is what Jesus is
saying to them in today’s Gospel- they don’t realize He has given them (and us) everything we need- our hearts and souls know the way there. May we trust the Lord and keep going on the way He has chosen for us- just like the beautiful
words from the song “Love is a Compass” by Sarah Griffiths:

When you need direction, look to the stars.
If you don’t know where you’re heading, follow your heart.
When you’re lost, I will guide you. I’m right there beside you,
like a map of your memories.

It’s going to be an honor for me to have a couple of roles in the upcoming Bunker Hill Day and Week festivities, remembrances, and memorials. As we look to Bunker Hill Day and remember those who have given their lives in the founding, defense, and protection of our country, may we always cherish and never take for granted the blessings we’ve received, but share them generously with others.


At St. Francis, we’re building an updated list of addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Our collection envelope list is getting updated, so if you haven’t received envelopes, you’re new to the family or if you’re not sure that you’re registered, drop us a note at or call Dianne Ludy at 617-242-4664 with your info (please specify that it’s for St. Francis), or fill out a sheet in the church and we’ll get you onboard! Soon we’ll have online giving

Our Installation and Inauguration Mass with Bishop O’Connell has been rescheduled for: Sunday, September 24 at 11 am at St. Mary’s Church! A collation will follow at Bishop Lawton Hall. Please invite everyone to join us!
Fr. John Sheridan

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

It is the Solemnity of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and sent them out to all nations! It’s a time to look within and see all the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us in so many different ways. The Spirit today gives us all the tools we each need to reflect the presence of God. It’s easy for us to compare, that others seem to have gifts that we perhaps wish we had, when we don’t appreciate what’s ready within and around us. May we never take for granted all that He has given us, may we find a way to give Him honor and
praise in own particular way!

It’s going to be an honor for me to have a couple of roles in the upcoming Bunker Hill Day and Week festivities, remembrances, and memorials. As we pause as a nation on Memorial Day, look to Bunker Hill Day, and remember those who have given their lives in the founding, defense, and protection of our country, may we always cherish and never take for granted the blessings we’ve received, but share them generously with others. Anne Frank wrote: “No one ever has become poor by giving.” To all of us who have given so much- in this
country who has so very much- we owe in return the gift of being generous to the poor, the needy, the homeless, the refugee. It’s more than just kindness- it’s our human responsibility.

At St. Francis, we’re building an updated list of addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Our collection envelope list is getting updated, so if you haven’t received envelopes, you’re new to the family or if you’re not sure that you’re registered, drop us a note at or call Dianne Ludy at 617-242-4664 with your info (please specify that it’s for St. Francis), or fill out a sheet in the church and we’ll get you onboard! Soon we’ll have online giving!

American Anthem

All we’ve been given by those who came before
the dream of a nation, where freedom would endure.
The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day…
What shall be our legacy? What will our children say?

Let them say of me, I was one who believed
in sharing the blessings I received.
Let me know in my heart when my days are through
America, America… I gave my best to you.

Each generation from the plains to distant shores;
with the gifts what they were given, were determined to leave more.
Battles fought together; acts of conscience fought alone
these are the seeds from which America has grown.

For those who think they have nothing to share
who fear in their hearts there is no hero there.
Know each quiet act of dignity is that which fortifies
the soul of a nation that will never die.

Let them say of me, I was one who believed
in sharing the blessings I received.
Let me know in my heart when my days are through,
America, America… I gave my best to you.

written by Gene Scheer
used with permission.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

Some years ago, I was the chaplain of a high school, and before games I would pray with the teams, that God would protect and help them to play to the best of their abilities- not that they would win or lose (that drove the coaches nuts).

One time, our football team was playing another Catholic school, and the opposing coach asked if I would pray for their students, too. We gathered both teams in the center of the field – the referees too – and we prayed, and I blessed them all- it was a beautiful moment.

I always think of that when I call to mind this weekend’s Gospel, as Jesus prays for His disciples. They had no idea what was ahead of them, but Jesus was sending them everything they needed- the Spirit would guide them, protect them, and teach them the truths that we hold to this day. I can imagine this as being a very emotional prayer for Jesus, as He prepares them for what’s next.

Next weekend we will celebrate the triumphant victory that is Pentecost- what was ahead for them was not known then nor what will happen for us is not known today. It’s easy to panic and worry, but we know that Jesus is a prayer away, the Holy Spirit is here. In the midst of the uncertain nature of this world, the winds of change are blowing- they’re blowing warm and welcoming.

Fr. John

It Takes A Village…

Every pastor and pastoral staff know that a parish cannot run without the involvement of its parishioners. And so, this is a
call to all of our parishioners to volunteer your time in various ministries and activities in our Parish. Some of the ministries in need of your presence are:
The Baptism Committee,
The Funeral Team,
Hospitality Committee,
Faith Formation,
Liturgical Ministries
and more!

Please contact Sr. Nancy at 617-242-4664 or for more information.
We look forward to your involvement in continuing to make our Parish a vibrant and welcoming community!

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

Be born in me, be born in me.
Trembling heart,
somehow I believe,
that You chose me.
I’ll hold You in the beginning,
You will hold me in the end
Every moment in the middle,
make my heart Your Bethlehem.
Be born in me.

written by Nichole Nordeman, Bernie Herms

Saying goodbye is one of the harshest things about life, and as we walk from Ascension this week ahead to Pentecost and Jesus’ promise fulfilled in the Holy Spirit, I think of all the people I’ve loved in my life who’ve passed. At the same time, I am grateful for everything all these wonderful people who have given me so much, taught me so much, modeled the Christian faith to me so well. I will never forget them, and our faith reminds me I will, be it God’s will, see them again, see their smiles and hear their laughter forever.

It’s beautiful that, as we mark Mother’s Day, celebrate our Blessed Mother, and honor all the women in our lives, those with us, and those who have gone before us, who have taught us all that truly matters, we may follow their lead of courage, grace, and love. Mary, Queen of peace, pray for us.


We are collecting clothes for our St. Vincent de Paul Society- we’re taking in clean, lightly worn clothes (new underwear and socks in packages only, please), at the Masses, the St. Mary- St. Catherine Parish Center and Harvest on Vine food pantry located in the basement of St. Catherine’s Rectory. Thanks for your generosity!

At St. Francis, we’re building an updated list of addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Our collection envelope list is getting updated, so if you haven’t received envelopes, you’re new to the family or if you’re not sure that you’re registered, drop us a note at or call Dianne Ludy at 617-242-4664 with your info (please specify that it’s for St. Francis) and we’ll get you onboard! Soon we’ll have online giving!

Pentecost is May 27-28. Please make sure to wear red- any shade- at all the Masses that weekend!

Pentecost is May 27-28. Please make sure to wear red- any shade- at all the Masses that weekend!
Please note that the 6 pm Mass will be suspended on June 4.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

“I have always dreamed of a far-off place,
where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me.
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face,
and voice keeps saying, this is where I’m meant to be.
I will find my way. I can go the distance.”

From Go the Distance, from Hercules

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,
this time more intelligently.”- Henry Ford

The internet is filled with stories of inventors, writers, businesspeople, athletes, artists, and other folks who, like Henry Ford, failed in countless endeavors, but never gave up until they succeeded. It’s very inspiring to read these stories, especially when we can feel overwhelmed or frustrated by our own limitations, but I always think of the words of Pope Benedict XVI that each of us, in our own way, have been called to greatness- not as the world sees it, but the greatness that Christ has prepared for us.

Will it be easy? Nothing great is easy, but in Christ all is possible. In today’s Gospel, Thomas doesn’t understand the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven, but Jesus comforts him with the promise that awaits him- all he needs to do is to stay focused on the promise and live his life, as St. Paul writes, worthy of the calling we have received. We may fail at times, and feel like that the stone that builders rejected, but as Christ is our cornerstone, we will not fail.

It Takes A Village…

Every pastor and pastoral staff know that a parish cannot run without the
involvement of its parishioners.
And so, this is a call to all of our parishioners to volunteer your time in various ministries and activities
in our Parish.
Some of the ministries in need of your presence are:
The Baptism Committee,
The Funeral Team,
Hospitality Committee,
Faith Formation,
Liturgical Ministries and more!

Please contact Sr. Nancy at 617-242- 4664 or for more information.
We look forward to your involvement in continuing to make our Parish a vibrant and welcoming community!


Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation

Are you willing and able to share your time and talent with our parish?

We are hiring!

The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation coordinates the Religious Education program for students in grades K-8, including Youth Group, along with Confirmation 1 and 2. The Program Coordinator attends meetings with parish staff and meets and works regularly with the Pastor, Pastoral Associate and the Parent Advisory Council to plan classes,
Masses and Family Formation activities.

Please reach out to or if you are interested in applying!

A word of sincere congratulations to our young women who received the Sacrament of
Confirmation from Very Rev. Jonathan Gaspar, and the girls and boys who are receiving first Holy
Communion this weekend- it’s extra special to have Fr. Jim Ronan with us to concelebrate!

Thanks to those who prayed with us last Saturday on the feast of St. Catherine of Siena for so
many troubled people who gathered in Boston. May the peace of Christ reign in the hearts of all
people of good will.

Please note that I will be away May 10-18 on a family trip.

If you haven’t done so, please consider giving online to our Parish Family- it’s very simple and tax deductible!
Give Dianne a call at the parish offices and she can guide you through the steps. It will help us through the long summer months to keep our ball rolling!

Please remember to mark your calendars and join us on Sunday, June 4th for the 11 am Mass at St. Mary’s for the Inauguration of our Collaboration of St. Mary– St. Catherine & St. Francis de Sales parishes and the installation of the pastor- a collation will follow at St. Francis de Sales.

-Fr. John

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

The house I grew up in was just off routes 128 and 9, and we often had people show up at our front door at all hours looking for directions or make a phone call, in the days before cell phones and GPS (yes, young people, there were those days). We were taught to be careful, yet courteous to these unexpected visitors, understanding how it can be confusing and what a small amount of kindness and help can do.

This weekend some troubled, very lost people are gathering in Boston, looking for something. It would be easy for us to disregard these people, to pity them, even to resent their presence, disrespect, and vitriol. By our prayers and actions, offered in love, we can help these soul-sick people find the way.

There will be those who will reject us, as we seek to hear and follow the voice of the shepherd, and many may say hurtful, angry, and sad words, but I pray they will find in our concern and love for them the true Shepherd of our hearts and our world. Please remember them in your prayers this weekend and always. Mary, Queen of peace, pray for us.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

Last week I saw the play “My Fair Lady”, and I truly enjoyed it – it’s a great story, with tremendous music and acting, and it made me think how language can change everything- how words can build us up, but it can also tear us apart.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus, the great Teacher, speaks of the great truths that we celebrate these holy days with two of his disciples on their road to Emmaus, and they discover Him in the Eucharist, as their hearts burned with the hope that His resurrection would mean to us all.

We are called to share the Good News, by our words, actions, and lives- all of us can change the lives around us in God’s holy name. May the Easter message burning within us like the fire on the Easter candle attract others, not just by the brightness of its light, but by its warmth, too.

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

I am so very grateful to so many who gave so much in so many ways throughout Holy Week- particularly Sr. Nancy and our incredible staff- from the very public celebrations to the millions of quiet and powerful ways when great things took place- thanks so very much for everything from a very tired but very happy pastor.

Now, our work takes on a new tone – sacramental season begins now – baptisms, confirmations, first communions and weddings, as we all move into a new gear. There is so much to be done, but filled with joyful hope, we look up and look ahead to so much.

Please keep our Confirmandi in your prayers who will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit on Saturday, April 29th at 4 pm and our first communicants, who will receive the Body of Christ on Sunday, June 7 at 1 pm.

Our St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting clothes on the weekend of May 20-21. Please stay tuned for updates! Please make sure you mark your calendar for Sunday, June 4 at 11 am Mass at St. Mary’s Church and a collation to follow at Bishop Lawton Hall at St. Francis de Sales!

Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation

Are you willing and able to share your time and talent with our parish?

We are hiring!

The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation coordinates the Religious Education program for students in grades K-8, including Youth Group, along with Confirmation 1 and 2. The Program Coordinator attends meetings with parish staff and meets and works regularly with the Pastor, Pastoral Associate and the Parent Advisory Council to plan classes, Masses and Family Formation activities.

Please reach out to or if you are interested in applying!

From our Pastor

150 150 Charlestown Catholic Collaborative

I love to watch movies when you have to wait and see what is going to happen – the suspense can drive you crazy sometimes, but it’s worth it, especially when things work out in a way you don’t expect. It’s very much like life.

In today’s Gospel, all seems lost at first, but suddenly, mysteriously, gloriously, miraculously has happened, and everyone is puzzled and overjoyed, and nothing is ever the same again.

Every day is an opportunity to experience God’s loving forgiveness and everlasting grace, often in ways we never expect. It’s up to us to share these truths to others to give that gift of faith we have received, so many people need that gift.

At the Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s, we welcome Kendal and Hannah into the loving arms of our Catholic Church – thanks so much to Sr. Nancy for her dedicated work – and may God bless them and give the grace to do His will every day!

May the joy and hope we receive at the empty grave – the wonder, the joy and the hope warm our hearts, our lives and inspire us to share the Good News with all we meet. Rejoice! He is Risen!

Change is in the Air. For some time, the extraordinary, multi-talented Katy Fleming has run the St. Mary- St. Catherine Faith Formation program, and as she steps back from this
important role to our thanks, we need someone who can help us administer, in collaboration with St Francis de Sales Parish, this invaluable ministry.

JOB OPENING: Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation
Are you willing and able to share your time and talent with our parish?
We are hiring!
The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation coordinates the Religious Education program for students in grades K-8, including Youth Group, along with Confirmation 1 and 2. The program Coordinator attends meetings with parish staff and meets and works regularly with the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, and the Parent Advisory Council to plan classes, Masses and Family Formation activities.

Please reach out to or
if you’re interested in applying!